篇名 | 人格權威與政治秩序的形成:論權威與權力之區分在Carl Schmitt秩序理論與民主理論中的意義 |
並列篇名 | The Personal Authority and the Formation of Political Order: On the Significance of the Distinction of Power/Authority in Carl Schmitt's Order and Democratic Theory |
作者 | 鍾芳樺 |
中文摘要 | 本文想要指出,Schmitt如何透過權力與權威這組概念的區分,來解釋秩序如何形成與維持的問題,並且進一步指出這個區分對於Schmitt民主(作為一種政治形式)理論的意義。Schmitt在他的理論中,區分開權力與權威兩種維持秩序的方式:權力是指獲取保護與服從關係的機制,而權威則是指能代表民族秩序理念,進行政治判斷的人格權威。從秩序理論的觀點來看,權力成為秩序內在性的基礎,而人格權威提供了秩序所需要的超越性基礎,表徵了秩序總體,解決了機械論、內在論秩序觀的問題;針對民主理論,Schmitt透過權威與權力的區分,說明了他的領袖民主制,並且證立了領袖在民主制度下的重要性。權威與權力的區分,指出權威領袖的重要性,這也是Schmitt理論所要達成的意識形態目的。 |
英文摘要 | The distinction of concept of authority and power plays an important role in Carl Schmitt's theory of order and democracy. As Ernst R. Huber says, it is Carl Schmitt's important contribution for Germany theory of State. In Schmitt's political theory, power and authority are two different ways to constitute and preserve the political order. The function of power is to build the relation of the protection and obedience, and this relation establishes the foundation of the political order. The transcend authority of political leader can represent the idea of political order, and to prevent the abuse of technical power. In Schmitt's theory of democracy, the distinction of concept of authority and power legitimate the theory of leader-democracy (Caesarism). Leader, who owes the authority of political community, can direct the political orientation of people, and make the decision in extraordinary situation. |
起訖頁 | 119-171 |
關鍵詞 | 權力、權威、代表、政治秩序、民主、Authority、Power、Representation、political order、democracy |
刊名 | 政治與社會哲學評論 |
出版單位 | 《政治與社會哲學評論》編輯委員會 |
期數 | 201312 (47期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168451532013120047003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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