篇名 | 蔣勳肉身敘事下的義理衍譯與美學詮釋 |
並列篇名 | Jiang Shiun's Interpretation of Buddhist Doctrine and Esthetics under the Body Narrative |
作者 | 楊雅儒 |
中文摘要 | 蔣勳撰有〈尸毘王與鴿子〉、〈薩埵那太子與虎〉,與佛本生故事對話,更因種種生命體驗,以散文體裁開展系列肉身敘事。出自佛本生故事的尸毗王(Sibi)與薩埵(Mahāsattva)屢經作者重提,職是,筆者試圖研討兩篇新編如何與佛典互文對話。其次,作者小說/散文體裁的譜寫下,其想法變遷、語言風格又如何? 本文架構先闡明佛典「捨身」與「布施」的關連,整理兩種前文本如何鋪陳菩薩捨身的來龍去脈與動心起念,繼而證道成佛;次以互文角度,探討改寫文本之特色;再就其散文創作,發掘作者書寫獨家感官記憶與集體文化記憶的精闢觀點,乃至美學詮釋;最後,證成其書寫的主旋律乃強調肉身之苦的課題,並從熱愛神話傳說漸趨透過書寫尋求療癒為宗旨。 |
英文摘要 | Due to his love for mythology, Jiang Shiun likes to rewrite the classic literature. His compositions "Sibis Sacrificing Himself to Rescue the Pigeon" and "Mahāsattvas Sacrificing Himself to Feed the Hungry Tigers" are written in prose. And because of his life experiences, he develops a series of the body narrative afterwards. Sibi and Mahāsattva originating from the Jataka tales are mentioned by the author many times. Therefore, this essay is aimed at discussing the differences between the new stories and the Buddhist scriptures. This paper will clarify how sacrifice is related to almsgiving, and expound how the two versions of writings describe the Bodhisattva at first. And second, the rewritings are explored from the perspective of intertextuality. Third, the authors own penetrating opinions are examined. Finally, this paper tries to prove the main idea that Jiang Shiuns works are about the pain of human body, and he seeks healing by writing with his passion for myths. |
起訖頁 | 109-139 |
關鍵詞 | 佛本生故事、古典新編、捨身、〈尸毘王與鴿子〉、〈薩埵那太子與虎〉、Jataka、the Rewriting of Classic Literature、sacrificing oneself、“Sibi’s Sacrificing Himself to Rescue the Pigeon”、“Mahāsattva’s Sacrificing Himself to Feed the Hungry Tigers” |
刊名 | 新世紀宗教研究 |
出版單位 | 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
期數 | 201512 (14:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168437382015121402005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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