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Reflection on the Modern Theories of Inter-Religious Dialogue from the Life-centered Idea
作者 高榮孝
中文摘要 生命意義是各宗教無法迴避的問題,王志成於〈論宗教對話的軸心轉變〉提出生命中心概念作為宗教交談的第六種模式,為人的生命尋求圓滿意義,也為宗教交談提供新的視域,可惜王志成並沒有對生命中心做出界定與論述。
英文摘要 The meanings of life are an inevitable question for each religion. Prof. Wang proposed the life-centered idea as the sixth model of religious dialogue. It searches perfect meaning for human life and offers a new horizon to religious dialogue. Its a pity that he didnt define and discourse clearly.
Attracted by Prof. Wangs life-centered idea, this paper aims to find out a proper way, as he said, to practice in our daily lives, and to make inter-religious dialogue popular. So, in this paper, efforts were made to perfect his life-centered idea from the perspectives of Heidegger and Habermas, to reflect on the theories of modern inter-religious dialogue through it, and to provide new possible attitudes to converse with others. At the final part of this paper, some practical ways of life-centered religious dialogue attitudes will be proposed according to the data from Assisi Meeting and Museum of World Religions.
起訖頁 027-053
關鍵詞 生命中心宗教交談亞西西會議世界宗教博物館life-centeredinter-religious dialogueAssisi MeetingMuseum of World Religions
刊名 新世紀宗教研究
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
期數 201512 (14:2期)
DOI 10.3966/168437382015121402002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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