篇名 | 論衝突與對話:以黎巴嫩基督宗教馬龍派和伊斯蘭什葉派之關係為例探討之 |
並列篇名 | Conflict and Dialogue: A Case Study of the Relations between the Maronite Christians and Shi’ite Muslims in Lebanon |
作者 | 陳迪華 |
中文摘要 | 基督宗教或伊斯蘭,其內部和對外的衝突與對話之現象可在今日的黎巴嫩得到印證。第一次基督宗教與伊斯蘭內戰始於1842年,在這個時期,黎巴嫩是在鄂圖曼帝國底下,被穆斯林王朝所統治,當時黎巴嫩被劃分為兩個行政區。基督教馬龍派拒絕穆斯林德魯茲教派的管理,於1860年爆發第一次內戰。內戰後,開啟了黎巴嫩宗教和平對話的新模式。不同宗教團體遂於1861年達成協議,希望推動境內內部和平。但於1975-1977年間,戰爭爆發,參與內戰的民兵主要為基督教政黨、政府聯盟,以及巴解組織和黎巴嫩聯盟;1978-1982年間,以色列的軍隊入侵黎巴嫩;從1982年六月到1990年十月,大規模外力干預內政。經過幾世代的衝突後,在黎巴嫩不同宗教社群的對話,試著平衡彼此之間的權利。本論文首先討論黎巴嫩境內基督宗教馬龍派(Maronites)與雅古必教派(Jacobites)、什葉派(Shi’ites)與順尼派(Sunnis)內部的衝突與對話。其次探究在馬龍派得到梵諦岡支持,什葉派得到伊朗支持之後,兩大教派之間的對話關係,進而提出宗教對話促成和平之展望。 |
英文摘要 | Christianity or Islam in the internal and external conflict and dialogue can be seen in today’s Lebanon. The first civil war between Christianity and Islam began in 1842; at that time Lebanon was under Ottoman rule through Muslim agent, and was divided into two districts. The Christian Maronites refused the management of Muslim Druzes and then the first civil war broke out in 1860. After the civil war, Lebanon opened a new pattern of peace dialogue. Different religious groups had an agreement to promote peace within the territory in 1861. The second civil war between Christianity and Islam was seen in three periods. During 1975-1977, the war mainly broke out in the Christian political parties, the government coalitions and PLO and Lebanese Union. Between 1978 and 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon. From June,1982 to October, 1990, there was a large scale external intervention in internal affairs. After several generations of the conflicts, dialogue from different religious communities was advocated to build the balance of the power between them. This essay attempts to discuss the internal conflicts and dialogues between Christian Maronites and Jacobites, and between Shi’ites and Sunnis. It also aims to figure out how to propose dialogue between different religious groups in order to attain peace in the future. |
起訖頁 | 077-101 |
關鍵詞 | 基督宗教馬龍教派、雅古必教派、伊斯蘭德魯茲教派、什葉派、順尼派、黎巴嫩內戰、Maronites、Jacobites、Druzes、Shi’ites、Sunnis、the Lebanese civil war |
刊名 | 新世紀宗教研究 |
出版單位 | 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
期數 | 201509 (14:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168437382015091401003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
QRCode | |