篇名 | 唐代長安比丘尼的形象塑造與社會活動:以墓誌為主的探討 |
並列篇名 | Social Images and Activities of Buddhist Nuns in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty: A Study of the Epitaphs |
作者 | 張梅雅 |
中文摘要 | 唐代長安比丘尼在外表的衣著、剃髮等,或是在生活上的居住地點、飲食習慣、社會生活與家庭互動關係等方面,與一般世俗女性有較大的區別。本文將比丘尼從唐代不同社會群體中獨立抽離出來,作為一特定群體加以討論,並以比丘尼的墓誌材料為主,一方面說明比丘尼在弟子和家人眼中的形象建構,另一方面也表述了比丘尼對自己生活、形象的記載。總體上來說,唐代長安比丘尼墓誌描繪出一個個戒行精勤、禪律雙修、內外俱圓、割親不忘的形象,甚至還有一些比丘尼對家族捨而不離的情感,也讓我們瞭解當時比丘尼重視的幾個面向。唐代比丘尼與家族來往留下一些記載,可以從中見到這些互動對彼此的生活產生影響,顯見比丘尼出家後與家族、親屬間的聯繫依舊存在;在此同時,她們也與王室、官員等其他社會大眾產生互動。 |
英文摘要 | This paper would focus on the Buddhist nuns who lived in Changan in Tang Dynasty and had great social influence. It also dealt with the social environment in the monasteries and outside the monasteries. There were a few epigraphs in Changan areas from which nuns recorded their life history and passed down to the world. We used these Buddhist nuns epigraphs and tried to discuss the Buddhist nuns interaction inside and outside the monasteries and through which to understand their self-identification, social images, and how they affected each other in social lives. In contrast with the Buddhist monks life, the Buddhist nuns epigraphs showed great features in their interaction with family members and some social members. On the one hand, the Buddhist Nuns were restrained by religious ordinations in the regular and religious lives; on the other hand, it is worthwhile to note that a lot of Buddhist nuns lived in the Buddhist monasteries but they were also closely tied up with their own family members, disciples and other social members. According to the epigraphs, it was found that the Buddhist nuns image in the religious and social lives in Changan in Tang Dynasty not only enables them to maintain good interaction with respectable society, but also helps to cultivate the social public during the whole Tang Dynasty. |
起訖頁 | 029-058 |
關鍵詞 | 唐代比丘尼、女性與宗教、佛教與社會、社會形象、Buddhist nuns in Tang Dynasty、women and religion、Buddhism and society、social image |
刊名 | 新世紀宗教研究 |
出版單位 | 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
期數 | 201503 (13:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168437382015031303002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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