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Sufism and Interfaith Dialogue: M. Fethullah Gülen’s Approach to World Peace
作者 初雅士

本論文試論證法圖拉.菊稜(Fethullah Gülen)思想的兩大核心要素:「宗教對話」與「蘇非主義」 Sufism),以及其間必然的關係。菊稜提出宗教與文化對話作為解決世界上人類個別或普遍的問題,他的「對話式蘇非主義」(dialogic Sufism)可作為一個在仇恨與敵意的情況下重新探索人文主義的方法,因為他的蘇非思想得以使他以陸彌(Jalal al-Din Rumi)、艾孟雷(Yunus Emre)之思想與理念作為對話途徑的內涵;而此途徑的執行推動,當使不同種族、文化,以及宗教能夠和平共處。除了神學與理論的理解之外,近二十幾年來「對話式蘇非主義」已經被應用在菊稜的對話活動及其所啟發的「奉獻運動」(Hizmet Movement)的和平活動上,進而落實其蘇非主義的教義。本文關於「對話式蘇非主義」的解析當可使菊稜的和平理念更被適當地理解,進而提供不同宗教團體之間的對話途徑,以提出解決人類衝突問題的方針,進而達到世界大同之願景。


This paper argues the indispensable relationship between inter-religious dialogue and Sufism, the two core subjects of Fethullah Gülens thought. The relationship is put forwarded by proposing the concept of dialogic Sufism. In other words, Gülen presents dialogue as the solution to human individual and common problems of the world. His dialogic Sufism serves as the method to rediscover humanism where and when hatred and enmity prevail, as he empathetically restores the thoughts of great Sufi figures such as Jalal al-Din Rumi and Yunus Emre as a representative model for the dialogue to be practiced today for peaceful coexistence. More than theological and theoretical concerns, this "dialogic Sufism," which embodies practice of Sufi ethics, has been over twenty years put into work through the dialogue activities advocated by Gülen and the Hizmet Movement. This essay shall elaborate "dialogic Sufism" to render a better understanding of Gülens concept and practice of the dialogue as an alternative solution to the contemporary global problems.

起訖頁 097-121
關鍵詞 伊斯蘭蘇非主義宗教文化對話陸彌法圖拉.菊稜(法土拉.葛蘭)IslamSufisminterfaith dialogueJalal al-Din RumiFethullah Gülen
刊名 新世紀宗教研究
出版單位 財團法人世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社
期數 201412 (13:2期)
DOI 10.3966/168437382014121302003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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