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The Participation of Family Medicine Postgraduate Training in the Annual Conferences of the Association for Medical Education in Europe
作者 劉星佑林明慧
中文摘要 近數十年來,醫學教育蓬勃發展,興起許多新的教學方法,不僅學校的醫學教育,畢業後的住院醫師訓練也有多樣化的培育模式。在台灣,有將近四成的醫師日後走入基層,因此家庭醫師專科訓練的相關研究是重要的課題。歐洲醫學教育學會(The Association for Medical Education in Europe)年會是全世界著名的醫學教育盛事,本篇文章藉由分析歐洲醫學教育學會年會2012年至2016年的研究論文摘要,探討家庭醫學專科訓練議題在國際醫學教育研討會發表狀況。統計結果發現,五年內,總發表篇數達7,460篇,而家庭醫學專科訓練相關之論文有233篇,占3%左右,平均每年46篇,主要分佈的區域在西歐(37%)和北美(30%),而最多投稿的國家則是加拿大(63篇)、英國次之(61篇),台灣則只在2016年有四篇海報發表。顯示台灣家庭醫學專科訓練相關研究,在國際醫學教育研討會參與度不高,未來應給予更多鼓勵,讓台灣家庭醫學教育的研究在國際的教育研討會上有更多的能見度。
英文摘要 Medical education has received increasing attention in recent decades. A new wave of instructional strategies, e.g. flipped classrooms, has made their ways into real-life medical education. Other than undergraduate medical education, postgraduate residency training has also witnessed several innovative programs and curriculums. The paper aimed at investigating the studies presented at the annual conferences of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), the world’s largest of its kind, in recent years so as to understand the status and development of family medicine specialty training involved in the international research fronts of medical education. The abstract books of AMEE annual conferences from 2012 to 2016 were downloaded from the official website of the association, and specific abstracts were identified based on the following keywords: “family medicine,” “primary care,” “community,” “general practitioner,” “health promotion,” “behavior change,” “travel medicine,” “preventive medicine,” “palliative medicine,” and “geriatric medicine.” Breakdown of participation was analyzed by stratifying the abstracts by region and country. 37% of the 233 abstracts associated with family medicine residency education in the past five years came from Western Europe and 30% from North America (30%). The country authoring the greatest number of abstracts was Canada (63 articles), followed by the United Kingdom (61 articles). Taiwan, however, presented only four abstracts, all in 2016. In light of the growing number of studies about family medicine residency training presented at international medical education conferences, the participation of Taiwan’s family medicine community appears to be particularly insufficient. Vigorous efforts need to be made to enhance Taiwan’s contribution to the research of medical education, especially in postgraduate specialty training.
起訖頁 019-026
關鍵詞 family medicinemedical educationfamily medicinemedical education
刊名 台灣家庭醫學雜誌
出版單位 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
期數 201703 (27:1期)
DOI 10.3966/168232812017032701003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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