篇名 | 糖尿病衛教整合效益評價–某區域教學醫院經驗 |
並列篇名 | The Clinical Effectiveness of Combined Educational and Self-Care Interventions in Diabetes Health Care: Experiences of a Regional Teaching Hospital in Central Taiwan |
作者 | 張富勝、吳南緯、洪禎澤、陳國寶、張倩淇、孫嘉成 |
中文摘要 | 目的:心臟血管疾病高居國人十大死因前三名,而糖尿病為其主要危險因子之一;本研究透過醫師、護理師、營養師、藥師的共同團隊提供高品質衛教醫療照護,分析血糖控制不佳之第二型糖尿病人經衛教後的實質效益以提供慢性疾病照護之參考。 方法:以中臺灣彰化一個區域級教學醫院門診的血糖控制不良病人,由系統篩選收案,分析經糖尿病衛教六個月後,糖尿病自我管理評量與胰島素認知評量、使用糖尿病藥物組成及血糖控制成效等指標的前後差異。 結果:收案132位病人,依衛教醫療團隊規則追蹤及衛教,療程完整且完成前後測問卷者,共有120位病人(90.9%)。血糖控制成效包括糖化血色素及飯前血糖於介入前後皆有顯著差異。糖尿病自我管理評量於介入前後除了健康調適項目沒有顯著差異外,其餘指標皆有顯著差異。胰島素認知評量於介入前後皆有顯著差異。糖尿病藥物組成於介入前後,配方中含有胰島素之患者由73人(60.8%)上升至87人(72.5%)。 結論:在此研究中,透過醫護團隊衛教模式對第二型糖尿病控制不佳的病人做積極的介入,提供高品質的衛教和適當的治療,能有效改善病人的血糖控制,藉由在衛教過程中建立的積極觀念使有需要的病人能更易於接受胰島素治療。衛教醫療照護的介入使患者在日常生活自我管理上有明顯改善,唯在健康調適項目上沒有顯著差異,顯示糖尿病患者衛教重點除了醫療照護面外,儘可能的心理支持與建設或許是糖尿病衛教更需要加強介入的區塊,以求提供糖尿病患更優質的照護。 |
英文摘要 | Background: Cardiovascular diseases as one of top three leading causes of death in Taiwan find a major risk factor in diabetes mellitus. However, poor compliance and self-care often interferes with the blood sugar control of type 2 DM patients and results in unsatisfactory outcomes. In this study, by providing quality health care education through team works from clinical physicians, nurses, nutritionists and pharmacists, we aimed to analyze the clinical effectiveness of combined educational and self-care interventions for DM patients with poorly controlled blood sugar with the hope to obtain insights applicable to chronic disease care in general. Methods: Totally, 132 type 2 DM outpatients with poor recorded blood sugar (HbA1c>8%), either with insulin injection or at least two kinds of oral antidiabetic (OAD) combination therapy, from a regional hospital in Changhua were enrolled. Analyses on indexes including blood sugar control (HbA1c and fasting blood sugar), the self-assessment of diabetes management scale (SADMS), the insulin treatment appraisal scale (ITAS), combinations of OAD agents, and dose adjustments of insulin preparations were performed six months after the interventions. Results: Study results showed improvement in blood sugar control (HbA1c and fasting blood sugar) after the interventions. With the only exception of psychological self-adjustment, statistically significant improvement was also observed in the remaining SADMS subscales on healthy diet, medication use, blood sugar monitoring, exercising, risk mitigation, and problem solving. Similar improvement further appeared in all ITAS subscales on benefits of insulin, selfblaming and health, daily life interference, social problems, and injection related problems and side effects. The insulin injection therapy rate increased from 60.8 to 72.5%. Conclusion: Through teamwork-based quality combined educational and self-care interventions, affirmative benefits were observed in nearly all clinical aspects of major indexes for assessing type 2 DM patients with poorly controlled blood sugar. Development of positive perceptions about insulin use through health education is crucial for early insulin treatment of patients with poorly controlled DM. Lack of improvement in psychological self-adjustment indicates the need to pay attention to the mental states of patients in addition to the provision of medical care. psychological evaluation and support are crucial in caring DM patients, as well as patients with chronic conditions, comprehensive health care. |
起訖頁 | 135-146 |
關鍵詞 | chronic illness、diabetes mellitus、health education-based medical care、hyperglycemia |
刊名 | 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 |
期數 | 201609 (26:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168232812016092603002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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