篇名 | 以下肢水腫為首發表現的卵巢癌--病例報告 |
並列篇名 | Ovarian Cancer Presenting as Lower Limb Edema: A Case Report |
作者 | 林信惠、許馨尹、黃偉新、張志隆 |
中文摘要 | 下肢水腫是基層門診常見的主訴。由於水腫的成因很多,其中有些需立即轉介或處理,如何正確做出鑑別診斷,是醫師的一大挑戰。本篇報告一名以下肢水腫為主要表現,接著透過身體檢查發現骨盆腔腫塊,最後診斷為卵巢透亮細胞癌併深部靜脈血栓的病例,希望藉此病例及歷年文獻的回顧,針對下肢水腫的診斷流程做進一步的討論,並探討卵巢癌和深部靜脈栓塞的關係,讓基層醫師在面對下肢水腫的病患時可以有所參考及提醒。 |
英文摘要 | Lower limb edema is a common chief complaint at primary care clinics. There are many etiologies of edema, including some serious or urgent diseases requiring immediate treatment or referral. Therefore, making correct differential diagnosis can be an enormous challenge for primary care physicians. The case report presents a 41-year-old woman suffering from lower limb edema as her first sign. A pelvic mass was noted during physical examination, and clear cell carcinoma with deep venous thrombosis was eventually diagnosed. In the case report, the diagnostic process of lower limb edema is discussed, relevant literature reviewed, and the relationship between ovarian cancer and deep venous thrombosis examined with the purpose to provide primary care physicians with reference for treating a patient with lower leg edema. |
起訖頁 | 194-200 |
關鍵詞 | 透亮細胞癌、深部靜脈血栓、下肢水腫、卵巢癌、clear cell carcinoma、deep vein thrombosis、lower limb edema、ovarian carcinoma |
刊名 | 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 |
期數 | 201412 (24:4期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168232812014122404005 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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