篇名 | 隨身活動促進工具對於體重過重或代謝異常受試者介入成效之前驅性研究 |
並列篇名 | A Pilot Study on the Effects of Mobile Physical Activity Promotion Tools in Subjects with Overweight or Metabolic Abnormality |
作者 | 楊雅萍、王琪珍、楊雅婷、王振興、楊宜青 |
中文摘要 | 背景:規律的身體活動是健康生活型態中很重要的一環,若能透過日常生活型態的改善來增加身體活動量,則達到促進健康目標的可能性較高。本研究目的為利用活動加速度身體活動記錄器來收集靜態或久坐、輕度、中度與劇烈活動,並透過網路平台的互動系統給予回饋及增加身體活動提醒,藉此比較隨身活動促進工具配帶者使用前後各項代謝症候群指標、身體活動量、生活品質及自覺健康的差異。方法:招募20位不同年齡層未使用心血管及代謝相關藥物之體重過重或有代謝異常個案進行測試,給予個案配戴「隨身活動促進工具」及使用相關互動系統,比較介入前、介入後7週及14週的各項指標變化。所有個案均以問卷評估其飲食習慣及生活型態、身體活動量、健康相關生活品質、身心健康情況等,並進行『體適能檢測』包括心肺功能、柔軟度、肌力與肌耐力、身體組成、血壓測量、心跳變異量、血糖及新陳代謝指標之檢驗檢查。以成對樣本t檢定分析及一般線性模式重複測量分析來探討介入措施對於上述指標是否有改變。結果:使用隨身活動促進工具的介入7週後,個案的身體活動量(含輕度、中度及激烈強度身體活動)及體適能狀況(含登階體能指數及一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐)皆有顯著之進步,然14週後個案的體適能狀況、生理指標(血壓、體重、腰圍、身體組成)、血糖、血脂及生化等新陳代謝指標、身心健康情況及健康相關生活品質則未達顯著的差異,不過靜態身體活動量仍有顯著減少而輕度身體活動量顯著增加,且代謝異常比例減少。結論:過重或代謝異常個案使用隨身活動促進工具的介入後,可提升輕度、中度及激烈強度身體活動量,並減少靜態活動及代謝異常比例,雖然介入後期適逢春節過年,也沒有因此而減少活動量及增加體重,但由於樣本數較少,介入期間較短,未來仍須收集更多在不同職業工作生活場域的個案進行隨機對照研究,來進一步佐證此系統實際臨床運用的成效。 |
英文摘要 | Background: There has been a strong association between regular physical activity and lower prevalence/incidence of metabolic syndrome. Evidence suggests that increased physical activity helps prevent metabolic syndrome as well as obesity. The study accordingly aims to examine the effectiveness of mobile activity sensor and feedback system on promoting physical activity and improving body composition, physiological parameters and quality of life in subjects marked with overweight or metabolic abnormality. Methods: A pilot study was designed and 20 subjects with overweight or a metabolic abnormality were recruited. The subjects wore a mobile physical activity promotion tool and used the related platform for 14 consecutive weeks. Data concerning their life-style, physical activity, psychosocial factors, and health related quality of life were collected and physical fitness, body composition, blood pressure and heart rate variability were measured prior to the intervention, 7 weeks after the intervention, and 14 weeks after the intervention respectively. Results: After seven weeks of using the mobile activity sensor system, the subjects reported significant improvement in the total volume of physical activity (including mild and moderate physical activities) and cardio-respiratory fitness (including three minutes stair-climbing and one minute sit-up). After 14 weeks, obvious decline was detected not only in the volumes of sedentary and light physical activities but also in the percentage of metabolic abnormality. However, there were no significant changes in physiological indicators (blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, and body composition), glucose level, lipid profiles and other metabolic and biochemical indicators; psychological health and quality of life registered no significant difference either. Conclusions: The mobile device appeared to be capable of increasing the volume of physical activity improving physical fitness, and reducing the percentage of metabolic abnormality. However, the study fails to better measure the effectiveness of the device on other outcome variables due to its relatively small sample size and short period of intervention. Longer intervention/observation periods and a more substantial number of study subjects are needed in future studies. |
起訖頁 | 086-098 |
關鍵詞 | 身體活動、體適能、隨身活動促進工具、自主健康管理、代謝異常、metabolic abnormality、mobile activity sensor and feedback system、physical activity、physical fitness、self-management of health |
刊名 | 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 |
期數 | 201406 (24:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168232812014062402004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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