篇名 | 戒菸門診病人對戒菸誘因與戒菸服務之滿意度調查 |
並列篇名 | An Investigation of Incentives and Outpatient Satisfaction on Smoking Cessation Services Provided by a Hospital |
作者 | 李福春、應立志、王萬琳、李淑真、陳儷月 |
中文摘要 | 目的:欲了解戒菸門診病患對醫院提供之戒菸服務之滿意程度與對戒菸誘因之重視程度。方法:採問卷調查法,調查對象為某醫院之戒菸門診病患,先作問卷之效度分析並對該醫院戒菸門診病患發出問卷,獲60份有效問卷,再以統計軟體對問卷資料進行分析。結果:病患對戒菸門診醫師及衛教師之服務態度及專業均非常滿意,但病患沒參加或沒利用該醫院所提供之各項戒菸服務、活動或宣傳者約佔37%。以「政府補助各公司或機構,給予戒菸成功之員工獎金」之誘因最被認同,而「各公司或機構應明訂上班時間內違反禁菸規定之罰則,並嚴格執行」次之。結論:建議該醫院加強宣導,讓戒菸門診病患能踴躍利用該醫院所提供之各項戒菸服務及參加該醫院舉辦之各項戒菸活動或宣傳,使病患受益。亦建議政府考量戒菸對國民健康之提升所獲得社會成本之降低而酌撥經費獎勵各公司或機構中確實能戒菸成功之員工,另一方面亦需督促各公司或機構明訂上班時間內違反禁菸規定之罰則並嚴格執行。 |
英文摘要 | Purposes: To explore the importance of incentives and outpatient satisfaction with smoking cessation services provided by a hospital. Methods: We used a questionnaire to collect hospital outpatient smoking cessation data. After computing the content validity, we collected 60 valid questionnaires and used the statistical package SPSS to analyze the data. Results: Patients were very satisfied with both the attitude and professionalism of physicians and health educators. However, 37% of patients did not either use the services or attend the activities provided by the hospital. The most recognized incentive was giving bonuses to employees to use government subsidies for quitting smoking. The next most-recognized incentive activity was defining and strictly implementing penalties for violating smoking bans at work. Conclusions: We suggest the hospital should advertise smoking cessation services and activities to attract patients. We also suggest that the government may consider the social cost reduction of health promotion associated with smoking cessation and give bonuses to employees who quit smoking. On the other hand, the government should supervise companies to define and strictly implement penalties for violating smoking bans at work. |
起訖頁 | 177-188 |
關鍵詞 | smoking cessation、satisfaction、incentives |
刊名 | 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 |
期數 | 201312 (23:4期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168232812013122304003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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