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The Legal Paradox and Suggestions for the Operation of Airbnb in Taiwan
作者 張瑞星
中文摘要 標榜共享經濟的Airbnb網路住宿交易平台登載的住所,存在著極高比例不符當地法令規制的住宿場域,這些住所多數既非受政府管制的旅館、亦非合法民宿,而只是將自宅,甚或以專業經營的方式以整棟房屋提供給旅客住宿;這樣規避法令的經營模式,不但衝擊傳統旅館業與長期租賃的市場,並存有是否符合公共安全與衛生標準、住宿地點是否合於使用分區管制之要求、是否已盡防範犯罪之責而確保一定之住宿品質、是否予以課稅及課稅是否公平、是否對鄰近居民的安寧及住宿品質造成困擾、網路平台是否應在交易雙方發生爭執時負擔法律責任等問題,無疑嚴重挑戰既有法律規範及消費者權益,而有進行法規調適之必要。本文擬先探討Airbnb在國內的法規調適難題,進而參考世界各國或其主要城市對於Airbnb的規制概況,與即將主辦二○二○年奧運的日本所採取的法規調適經驗,並於結論中提出初步規範建議,以供我國政府有關部門參考。
英文摘要 As the Sharing Economy model continues to rise globally, the pioneer of sharing economy company, Airbnb, has now reached Taiwan. Most of the listed rental properties on Taiwan’s Airbnb home sharing platform do not meet the local municipal’s legal restrictions on short-term home rentals thus making them illegal. These dwellings are neither government-licensed hotels nor government approved Home Stay/Inns (which are called “Minsu” in Taiwan). Airbnb is quickly becoming a threat to the traditional hotel industry or Minsu as travelers choose to book with the unregulated independent hosts. Many issues such as taxation to Airbnb, adequate fire safety of the dwelling, personal safety of the renter, local zoning restrictions, and neighbor disturbance/quality of living are on the top of list being examined by the government. This article will first discuss the legal paradox for the operation of Airbnb in Taiwan, then will compare regulations utilized by major cities and countries around the world - notably Japan’s experience for its preparation for 2020 Summer Olympic Games. Finally this article will propose recommendations for regulations that can be leveraged by the Taiwanese government, which can also be provided for government’s reference, to create a competitive yet fair marketplace for Airbnb to operate in Taiwan.
起訖頁 59-118
關鍵詞 共享經濟Airbnb民宿分區管制發展觀光條例民宿管理辦法sharing economyAirbnbminsu/homestay/home innzoning restrictionsAct for the Development of TourismRegulations for the Management of Home Stay Facilities
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 201712 (34期)
DOI 10.3966/168067192017120034002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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