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Flight Risk as the Ground for Pretrial Detention in the German Law
作者 陳松檀


英文摘要 In our criminal suit system on the “secure type detention”, concerning the process to secure the defendant, right on the spot, the type to have him or her subject to forceful measure, in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1, Item 1 of Article 101 of the criminal suit (proceedings) is limited to the fear that the defendant will flee or might flee as the ground for detention. As a matter of fact as often seen, the defendant has not fled and by improper use or stopping use of prescription drugs, etc. to fall into a state of being unable to stand trial, to escape the criminal trial and the implementation of the situation; so far it can not be regulated. This article will provide a reference to the way in which Germany deals with similar circumstance in the context of introduction of the provisions of Germany with regard to the reasons for detention “ in fear of escaping the criminal proceedings.”
起訖頁 123-163
關鍵詞 羈押逃亡自殺逃亡之虞逃避刑事程序就審 能力detentionflightsuicideflight riskavoid the criminal proceedingcapacity to stand trial
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 201706 (33期)
DOI 10.3966/168067192017060033004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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