篇名 | 論專有部分、共有部分與約定專用部分之判斷──以屋頂突出物與地下室停車位為例評最高法院一○一年度台上字第六四三號民事判決 |
並列篇名 | Discussing the Determinants of Individual Unit, Shared Area, and Designated Private Area: Using the Examples of the Protruding Structure on the Roof of Building and the Underground Parking Space-An Analysis on Judgment T.S.T. No. 643 (High Ct., 2012) |
作者 | 邱慧洳 |
中文摘要 | 區分所有建物之特定部分倘為專有部分,特定區分所有人對其得自由使用;若為共有部分,於公寓大廈管理條例施行前,特定區分所有人或他人須透過分管契約之約定,始能取得該特定共有部分之專用權。職是之故,區分所有建物之特定部分被判斷為專有部分或共有部分,影響區分所有人之權益甚鉅,本件即涉及區分所有建物之屋頂突出物與地下室停車位為專有部分抑或共有部分之問題,本文參照我國司法實務與學說見解,評釋本案之歷審法院多認為系爭屋頂突出物與地下室停車位為共有部分之見解是否妥適,並評釋歷審法院所採關於系爭屋頂突出物與地下室停車位得作為專用權客體之見解是否妥適。 |
英文摘要 | If the specified unit of a condominium building is determined as the individual unit, a unit owner shall have the liberty to use his or her individual unit. If the specified unit of a condominium building is determined as the shared area, before the Condominium Administration Act enforced, the shared areas of a condominium could be designated as designated private area by agreement for specific unit owners to use. The specified unit of a condominium building is determined as the individual unit or shared area that is very important, because it affects the right of the unit owner greatly. The issue of this judgment is related to that the protruding structure on the roof of building and the parking space is individual unit or shared area. The courts determine the protruding structure on the roof of building and the parking space as the shared area. In addition, the courts determine that such share areas as protruding structure on the roof of building and the parking space could be designated as designated private areas by agreement. This article intends to analyze the adequacy of such opinions adopted by the courts. |
起訖頁 | 103-152 |
關鍵詞 | 專有部分、共有部分、約定專用部分、專用權、individual unit、shared area、designated private area |
刊名 | 成大法學 |
出版單位 | 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會 |
期數 | 201606 (31期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168067192016060031003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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