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The Ecology Metaphor Approach to Policy: The Example of Modifying Senior High School History Curriculum Guidelines
作者 林怡君
中文摘要 本文以生態隱喻理論作為論述分析之基礎,檢視在臺灣公民社會掀起輿論之高中歷史科103微調課綱。首先析論生態隱喻理論之內涵,瞭解其所以可作為此課綱事件政策分析之用的理由;進一步再探論課程理論與此次課綱政策之相互脈絡;接著再融合歷史研究專業與歷史教學之學理,對微調課綱進行內容分析,提出綜合性見解;最末,融貫生態隱喻理論與歷史科103微調課綱之政策事件,作者提出自行建構之生態分析應用圖,以作為理解此次課綱政策事件之理路,同時為政策分析研究,提供應用之參考,進而積累學術成果之際,同時從中提取對臺灣歷史教育之建議。
英文摘要 This article applies the ecology metaphor approach to analyze the educational policy of senior high school history textbook and to examine the public issues of modifying the history curriculum guidelines in the Taiwanese civic society. Firstly, this context of the ecology metaphor is understood by exploring its relative theories. Secondly, both the history education theories and curriculum guidelines are studied in an intertextuality way. Finally, this article raises an original ecology metaphor analysis structure to deconstruct the event of modifying curriculum guidelines. Based on the result, the advice on educating the Taiwanese history are offered.
起訖頁 116-134
關鍵詞 公民社會歷史教育課程轉化政策認知civil societyhistory educationcurriculum transformationpolicy cognition
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
期數 201607 (104期)
DOI 10.3966/160683002016070104007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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