篇名 | 臺中市幼托整合政策實施後公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與教學效能關係之研究 |
並列篇名 | The Study on the Relationships between Teachers’ Work Stress and Teaching Effectiveness in Taichung Municipal Kindergartens after the Implementation of Integrated Kindergartens and Nursery School Policy |
作者 | 賴志峰、廖偉君 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在了解臺中市幼托整合政策實施後公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與 教學效能關係之現況;探討不同背景變項公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與教學效 能的知覺差異情形;分析公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與教學效能之關係。本研 究對象為臺中市公立幼兒園教師,以「幼托整合實施後公立幼兒園教師工作 壓力與教學效能關係研究」之問卷作為研究工具,正式施測有效樣本共331 位。研究資料採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜 積差相關等統計方法進行分析與考驗。研究結論如下: 一、臺中市幼托整合政策實施後公立幼兒園教師知覺的工作壓力屬中下程度。 二、臺中市幼托整合政策實施後公立幼兒園教師知覺的教學效能屬中上程度。 三、部分背景變項的臺中市公立幼兒園教師所知覺之工作壓力有顯著差異。 四、 不同年齡及教學年資的臺中市公立幼兒園教師知覺之教學效能有顯著差 異。 五、 幼托整合政策實施後臺中市公立幼兒園教師工作壓力與教學效能具顯著負 相關。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of municipal kindergartens teachers’ work stress and teaching effectiveness after the implementation of integrated kindergartens and nursery school policy, and the relationship between teachers’ work stress and teaching effectiveness. The survey research method was adopted in this study, and the main research tool was the questionnaires of teachers’ work stress and teaching effectiveness after the implementation of integrated kindergartens and nursery school policy. Survey data from 331 teachers of municipal kindergartens teachers in Taichung City were collected. All data was distributed by means of frequency and percentage. Means and deviation, One-way ANOVA, t-test and Person’s product-moment correlation were used to study teachers’ work stress and teaching effectiveness. The brief results are as followings: 1. The level of work stress of teachers is averagely after the implementation of integrated kindergartens and nursery school policy. 2. The level of teaching effectiveness of teachers is above average after the implementation of integrated kindergartens and nursery school policy. 3. There are significant differences in work stress of teachers with various background variables. 4. There are significant differences in teaching effectiveness of teachers with age and teaching year. 5. There is significant negative correlation between teachers’ work stress and teaching effectiveness after the implementation of integrated kindergartens and nursery school policy. |
起訖頁 | 202-225 |
關鍵詞 | 幼托整合政策、教師工作壓力、教學效能、Integrated Kindergartens and Nursery School Policy、Teachers’ Work Stress、Teaching Effectiveness |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201509 (99期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002015090099010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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