篇名 | 後現代教育思潮與後現代校園建築規畫 |
並列篇名 | Postmodern Educational Thoughts and the Planning of Postmodern School Buildings |
作者 | 黃庭鈺 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討後現代教育思潮之內涵與後現代校園建築之規畫精神。首先從後現代教育思潮之「強調多元」、「包容差異」、「回歸本土」、「重視個體」及「創新觀念」的內涵切入,說明後現代建築的特性為「賦予建築空間多元意義」、「融合建築形式的雙重性」、「講究建築的符號及文脈」、「重視生態與使用者參與」、及「顛覆傳統或採解構設計」,並嘗試結合後現代教育思潮的內涵及後現代建築的特性,歸納梳理出後現代校園建築的規畫精神為「賦予建築空間多元意義,服膺多元教育之方向」、「融合建築形式的雙重性,體現包容差異之精神」、「講究建築的符號及文脈,呼應回歸本土之主張」、「重視生態與使用者參與,發揮生命個體之特性」及「顛覆傳統或採解構設計,促動教育觀念之創新」。期能以後現代校園建築所反映的教育理念和規畫精神,激盪出更多元、創新的思維與學習體驗。 |
英文摘要 | This article aims to explore postmodern educational thoughts and the spirits of the planning of postmodern school buildings. The following three points will be analysed. First, analyse postmodern educational thoughts, which include emphasis on diversity, tolerance of differences, appreciation for local features, respect for users, and innovation of ideas. Second, indicate the meaning and characteristics of postmodern architecture in terms of the following aspects: interpreting architecture with multiple meanings, mixing the dual coding of architecture, paying attention to the symbolic and contextual implications of architecture, emphasizing environmental protection and users’ participation, and overturning the conventional concepts or adopting deconstructionist designs. Furthermore, this article also tries to integrate the above two parts in order to generalize the spirits of the planning of postmodern school buildings, which accordingly will advocate more diverse and innovative thinking and learning experiences for campus users. |
起訖頁 | 022-046 |
關鍵詞 | 後現代教育思潮、後現代校園建築、校園建築規畫、postmodern educational thoughts、postmodern school building、planning for school buildings |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201509 (99期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002015090099002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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