篇名 | 教師校外交通導護輪值加班補休機制適法性之初探 ―― 以宜蘭縣立國民中、小學實務經驗為例 |
並列篇名 | The Preliminary Discussion on Legality of Regulations about Conduct Teachers’ Traffic Service Overtime and their Compensatory Time Mechanism—Focused on Practical Experience of Primary and Secondary Schools in I-Lan County |
作者 | 汪耀文 |
中文摘要 | 本文首採電話訪談方式,普查宜蘭縣各國民中小學教師校外交通導護輪值運作情形及其後續補休的實施概況;其次,以法釋義學的觀點,探討上開部分學校創設的補休作法之適法性,然「依法行政」與機關首長的「行政裁量」之競合、教師「早自習」與「交通導護」兩者之加班對待歧異「體系內正義」的失衡、公教兩人事法令「體系間正義」扞格之諸關係,卻也突顯導護補休立異作法的可議性;最後,根據結論所得,提出本文建議:(一)教師卸下校外交通導護,致力校園教學與輔導工作;(二)因應公教人事分流,制定教育人員保障法;(三)教師成績考核辦法修正草案不應逕將「導護」納入考核細項;(四)教師、學校雙方行協商「導護」事宜,繼以列入聘約,其後續補休配套,亦應例外地不受一般加班規定之制約;(五)學校提供服務「範疇」的再確認。謹盼以此供相關權責機關與人員參考之用。 |
英文摘要 | This study tried to survey conduct teachers’ traffic service overtime and their compensatory time focused on practical experience of primary and Secondary schools in I-Lan county by phone interview. Besides, this study discussed legality of regulations about those mentioned above. But, co-competition between principle of administration by law and administrative discretion power of school principals, unbalance of justice within system about regulations about individual study period in the morning and conduct teachers’ traffic service, and the contradiction of justice between systems about government employees and teachers’ personnel regulations revealed specific design about conduct teachers’ traffic service overtime and their compensatory time to be disputed. Last, according to the research results, this study tried to propose some suggestion . (1) Allow teachers quit the traffic service positions and concentrate on the teaching and counseling within campus, (2) Make the law of teacher protection in response to distinction between government employees and teachers, (3) Amendment about “Regulations Regarding for Evaluating of Teacher Performance in Taiwan” shouldn’t adopt assessment project of teachers’ traffic service, (4) Teachers’ union and schools should start to negotiate and list teachers’ traffic service in teacher contracts and their compensatory time mechanism shouldn’t be restricted to general overtime regulations. (5) Re-affirmation of school service category. |
起訖頁 | 150-167 |
關鍵詞 | 交通導護、加班、補休、依法行政、行政裁量、Conduct Teachers’ Traffic Service、Overtime、Compensatory Time、Administration by Law、Administrative Discretion |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201505 (97期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002015050097008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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