篇名 | 臺南市國民中學校長變革領導與學校效能關係之研究 |
並列篇名 | A Study on the Relationship between Principal Change Leadership and School Effectiveness in Junior High Schools in Tainan City |
作者 | 張媛甯、阮東明 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探究國民中學校長變革領導與學校效能之關係,採問卷調查法,以臺南市國民中學正式教師為問卷施測對象,有效問卷計386份,分別以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單分子變異數分析、逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要獲致以下結論:臺南市國民中學教師對校長變革領導與學校效能的知覺程度在平均數以上;不同年齡、學歷、職務、年資、學校規模之教師對校長變革領導的知覺有顯著差異;不同性別、年齡、學歷、職務、年資、學校規模之教師對學校效能的知覺有顯著差異;校長變革領導之「型塑組織文化」對學校效能的解釋力最高。最後,根據研究結果,提出若干建議,俾供教育主管機關、國民中學校長及未來研究之參考。 |
英文摘要 | This research investigated the relationship between principals’ change leadership and school effectiveness in junior high schools in Tainan City. In the study, 386 valid questionnaires were retrieved. The data was analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions were drawn from this study: Junior high school teachers in Tainan City had mean to high level of perception toward principal change leadership and school effectiveness; there were significant differences caused by the variation in age, educational degree, working position, years of teaching, school size in principal change leadership; there were significant differences caused by the variation in sex, age, educational degree, working position, years of teaching, school size in school effectiveness. The “shape the organizational culture” factor of principal change leadership could be used as the best prediction factor for school effectiveness. According to the findings given above, the study proposed recommendations for educational authorities, junior high school principals, and future researches. |
起訖頁 | 022-044 |
關鍵詞 | 國民中學、學校效能、變革領導、change leadership、junior high school、school effectiveness |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201505 (97期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002015050097002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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