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The Preliminary Discussion on Legality of Student Achievement Assessment Regulations
作者 汪耀文
中文摘要 本文以公法釋義學,援引不當聯結禁止原則、平等原則及比例原則等法理,期以檢驗部分縣市國民中小學學生成績評量補充規定關於定期評量紙筆測驗缺考所衍生之補考的成績核計規定適法性。另外,以臺北地方法院2006年3月31日94年度易字第1533號刑事判決的案件事實為例,探討大學自治下大學教師對於學生學習評量之核算得否不依循一般成績評量原則,而保有完全恣意裁量空間之妥適性。部分縣市學生成績評量補充規定對於完備請假程序學生的補考成績之採計,不以其「應得分數」為「實得分數」,而以加權下修的方式認定其實得分數,不僅明顯悖離評量本意,恐也違反法理原則。上至大學、下至小學,學生成績評量之採計權重、評量方式或有不同,學習評量原則自一體適用,大學教師倘以大學自治專業自主,不受論理與經驗法則約束,恣意核定學生學期總成績,概有未洽。最後,根據研究結果,提出本文建議。
英文摘要 This paper cited the principle of prohibiting improper connection , the principle of equality and the principle of proportionality to test the legality of student achievement assessment supplementary regulations about makeup exam of periodic assessment in some counties by means of dogmatic. Besides, this paper tried to investigate the appropriateness of completely discretionary accounting about university students’ achievement assessment, while university teachers wouldn’t follow general principle of assessment, in an example as Yi Zi No. 1533 criminal case on March 31, 2006 in Taipei District Court. Student achievement assessment supplementary regulations in some counties don’t treat rationally students’ learning assessment, transforming from ‘deserved scores’ to ‘identified scores’. This irrational identification about students’ scores of makeup exam would depart from principle of assessment and also violate adminiatrative law & principles. From university to elementary school, student achievement assessment affairs should adopt and fit general assessment principle together. Based on university autonomy , university teachers approved willfully student’ s score, not bound by logic and rules of thumb. These aren’t appropriate. Finally , according to the research results, the paper tried to propose some suggests .
起訖頁 174-191
關鍵詞 定期評量不當聯結禁止原則比例原則Periodic AssessmentPrinciple of Prohibiting Improper ConnectionPrinciple of Proportionality
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
期數 201411 (94期)
DOI 10.3966/160683002014110094009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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