篇名 | 國民中小學教師定期遷調制度之可行性分析 |
並列篇名 | The Analysison the Possibility of Teachers Periodic Transfer System in Junior High and Elementary School |
作者 | 蔣東霖 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在分析中小學實施教師定期遷調制度之可行性。首先提出教師遷調制度的功能;其次探討國內外有關教師定期遷調制度實例,包括國內教師借調、教師商借以及日本、韓國與澳洲的定期遷調制度;接著說明現行中小學教師積分介聘方式與教師甄選方式之運作現況,並檢討當前教師遷調對教育環境的影響;經本文評估分析顯示,教師定期遷調制度的實施除可繼續延用現行縣市間的遷調方式、採用積分排序、偏遠地區加給等措施外,尚可引進定期遷調期限、遷調區域劃定、暫緩遷調條件、強制遷調措施以及獎勵津貼設計等內容;依本研究結論,建議主管教育行政機關在兼顧遷調制度多元功能的前提下,透過辦理公聽會廣泛蒐集意見、先局部試辦再全面推動、由中央訂定定期遷調的基準規定並配合相關法令進行修訂。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of the research is to analyze the possibility of the elementary school and junior high school teachers regular transfer system. First of all, the research mentions the function of teachers transfer system. Second, the paper aims to analyze the example of the teachers transfer system in our country and in abroad which includes in Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Australian teachers mobilization. Third, it explains the status of elementary and junior high school teachers employing mode and teachers selection. Also, the paper reviews the impact of the current teachers transfer and the educational situation. According to the analyze of the research, the teachers integral score and regional allowance are continued using in teachers transfer system. More ways for the system, such as periodical transfer, the boundary of transfer area, deferring transfer conditions, compulsory transfer and allowance, these are also considered to be adopted in transfer system. Furthermore, in conclusion of the study, considering the diversification of the transfer system, the educational authorities might to hold public hearings to gather opinions. And then, carry out the system from partly region to overall country. Finally put forward with recommendations to the educational authorities to set relevant policy. |
起訖頁 | 150-169 |
關鍵詞 | 教師遷調制度、定期遷調、教師輪調、Teachers Transfer System、Periodic Transfer、Rotation of Teachers |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201409 (93期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002014090093009 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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