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國民中小學大學區及公立學校中央辦公室構想 - 地方政府推動裁併校之配套措施想像
A Construction of the Big School District and the Public Schools Central Office for Compulsory Education: An Imagination of Supporting Strategy for Implementing the Schools Merged Policy for Local Governments
作者 陳順利
中文摘要 本文根據組織再造、資源整合和策略聯盟的概念,以及在少子女化及財政困窘的現實中,構思在裁併偏鄉小校時校舍也能活化再利用,兼顧各利害關係人的利益,而建構出「大學區」及「公立學校中央辦公室」初步構想,供地方政府執行裁併校政策時參考,作為推動該政策之配套措施。教育政策在考量經濟成本效益時也要思量社會成本效益,在追求績效責任時也要能顧及教育機會均等之社會正義。期望本文能拋磚引玉,引起後續研究集思廣益持續改善本構想,以提高「大學區」及「公立學校中央辦公室」的可行性。也期盼有地方政府能採用試辦,並加以改善找出最佳方案,或許能為我國教育帶來新契機,以造福國家和社會。
英文摘要 According to concepts of reorganization, resource integration and strategic alliance, and the realities of low birth rate and financial difficulties, the big school district and the public schools central office was constructed for compulsory education to reuse the buildings of cut down and merged schools with taking into account the interest of stakeholders. This construction may be a supporting strategy of the cutting down or merging schools policy for local governments. Educational policies should consider both the economic cost-effectiveness and the social costeffectiveness, and both the accountability and the equality of education, the social justice. It will be expected that this article could initiate other researches to promote the feasibility of this supporting strategy, the big school district and the public schools central office which could be implemented by local governments, and could be improved becoming more optimal one which could reconstruct our educational institution for benefiting our public citizen.
起訖頁 182-204
關鍵詞 大學區公立學校中央辦公室少子女化裁併校資源整合big school districtpublic schools central officelow birth ratecut down and merged schools policyresource integration
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
期數 201407 (92期)
DOI 10.3966/160683002014070092010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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