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The Myths and Difficulties that Juior High and Elementary Schools Might Have When They Promote Internatonal Education
作者 黃冠勳
中文摘要 本文旨在探討國民中小學推動國際教育時可能會出現的迷思及困境,筆者為偏鄉小型學校推動國際教育的現場教師,從參與研習、提出計畫到實際執行都不曾缺席,目前國際教育已然成為我國教育的主要推動方向,然而因應全球化而生的國際教育卻可能成為一把兩面刃,對於許多剛推動國際教育的教育人員而言,除了把握契機外,更需要破除迷思與解決困境並才能實踐國際教育的社會正義以追求教育機會均等,並使得我國追上先進國家之列,藉由學校教育為開端,引領整個社會,全面提升國際視野,並透過跨文化的經驗讓社會更具多元思潮以面對未來世界的挑戰。
英文摘要 This article aims to examine the myths and difficulties that juior high and elementary schools might have when they promote internatonal education. The author, currently involved in the rural area school programs that promote international education, participated in researches and studies on international education, presented and worked on projects about it. Undoutedly, promoting international education has been the main focus for our country. However, even though sped up by globalization, international education could have its pros and cons. To those who just began to promote international education, besides seizing the opportunites to promote it, breaking myths and solving the difficulties are what they should make efforts to achieve social justice and pursue even educational opportunites. Thus, our education can rank among the progressive countries. By starting from the school education, the whole society can be led to expand international perspectives and thus these cross-cultural experiences enable our society to have more diverse perspectives to face the challenges in the future.
起訖頁 164-181
關鍵詞 國際教育公平正義初等教育International educationjusticeprimary education
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
期數 201407 (92期)
DOI 10.3966/160683002014070092009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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