篇名 | 偏鄉小學教師專業學習社群組成、運作及影響之探究 |
並列篇名 | The Study of Organizing, Operating and Affecting of Teachers' Professional Learning Communities in Suburban Elementary School |
作者 | 江嘉杰 |
中文摘要 | 在現今教育改革的浪潮中,教師已被推上舞台中央,成為當然主角,面臨愈來愈大的挑戰與壓力。為因應未來挑戰,身為教師必須揚棄過去單打獨鬥的方式,追求專業成長,將教學視為專業。教師專業學習社群的推動,影響學校教師的專業發展與學校文化,對於學校效能的提升頗為關鍵。本研究選擇中部縣市偏鄉地區之一所國民小學為研究對象,運用深度訪談及文件分析,針對學校教師專業學習社群的組成、運作及影響等三個重要向度來探究教師專業學習社群的實踐。本研究提出以下的結論,首先,學校長期的耕耘、校長的授權與支持以及社群召集人的倡議是教師專業學習社群能夠順利組成的關鍵因素;其次,教師專業學習社群運作的成功關鍵有-良好的溝通與持續關心、專業的支持、學校行政的協助、專業成長的時間充裕、正向的回饋等;最後,預期學生學習成效的提升、教師專業分享氛圍的形塑、來自家長的肯定以及學校學習文化的再提升,是教師專業學習社群所產生的影響。根據上述研究發現,本研究提出三項建議作為參考。 |
英文摘要 | During the wave of educational revolution, the teachers have been pushed to the center of platform, to be the main role, facing more and more challenge and pressure. To face the future challenge, teachers should be given up the way of single-battle before and looking for professional growth and recognizing teaching as expertise. To promote teachers' pro¬fessional learning community, affecting the school teachers' professional development and culture. It is a key point to upgrade the effectiveness of school. The subject of the research was an elementary school in sub¬urban village in the center of Taiwan. By using interviewing and docu¬ment analysis, the research aimed to explore organizing, operating and affecting of teachers' professional learning communities. The findings of the research are mentioned as the following: First, principal gives full au¬thority and the leader of community are the key factors of organizing teachers' professional learning community. Second, there are successful factors to operate teachers' professional learning community: the devel¬opmental context of the school, well communicate and mutual care, pro¬fessional support, the assistance of school administration, enough time to professional growth, positive feedback. Finally, the learning perfor¬mance of students, the modeling of teachers'professional sharing climate, parents'praise and upgrading the learning culture of school again. Based on the findings mentioned above, the research offered three implied ap¬plications for reference. |
起訖頁 | 142-163 |
關鍵詞 | 教師專業學習社群、學校文化、社群召集人、teachers' professional learning community、school culture、leader of community |
刊名 | 學校行政 |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會 |
期數 | 201401 (89期) |
DOI | 10.3966/160683002014010089008 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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