篇名 | 專業合作在低視力學生光學閱讀輔具配置及其閱讀表現之研究 |
並列篇名 | Optical reading devices Prescription for Students with Low Vision and Their Reading Performances Through Collaboration |
作者 | 鄭靜瑩、張集武、蘇國禎、孫涵瑛、曾廣文 |
中文摘要 | 本研究嘗試以專業合作的方式為五位國小低視力學生配置適合的光學閱讀輔具,並希望藉以提昇學生的閱讀表現。研究除了討論低視力學生配置光學閱讀輔具的方式外,亦探討光學閱讀輔具配置前後,學生在閱讀表現上的差異。本研究以標準化測驗與故事繪本選讀為工具,分別評量五位低視力學生的認字、閱讀理解與閱讀表現。\r研究結果顯示,五位低視力學生透過專業團隊的合作下,有二位學生使用單眼眼鏡型放大鏡,二位學生使用雙眼眼鏡型放大鏡,另外一位學生則使用手持式放大鏡;且其中一位學生輔以稜鏡矯正其雙眼視覺與閱讀姿勢,另一位學生則以隱形眼鏡穩定其眼球震顫的情況。在閱讀表現方面,由研究結果得知五位低視力學生的認字與閱讀理解能力並沒有因為研究所配置的光學閱讀輔具而有所提昇,但在整體閱讀表現上,五位學生在繪本的閱讀完成率與閱讀正確率、閱讀時間與閱讀持久力四項均有所改善。文末亦對低視力學生之輔具配置、低視力學生閱讀表現,以及未來研究方向做出建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to investigate the methods of prescribing optical reading devices for students with low vision, and to analyze their reading performance after prescription. Ophthalmologists, optometrists, and teachers of students with visual impairments were participant in this research. Researchers utilized two standardize tests, and six kid-story books to collect relative information.The findings indicated that, except spectacle lenses, two students were prescribed monocular spectacle-mounted magnifiers, two students were prescr ibed binocular spectacle-mounted magnifiers, and the other student used a hand-held magnifier for reading. In addition, one of the five students corrected her reading pose by prism, and one stabilized his nystagmus by wearing contact lenses.Furthermore, five students with low vision did not improve the score in recognizing Traditional Chinese words and in reading comprehension after prescribing optical reading devices; however, they performed better on reading rate, completing rate, reading time, and eye fatigue. Finally, suggestions for low vision students’ prescription, reading performance, and the implication for future studies were provided. |
起訖頁 | 049-074 |
關鍵詞 | 專業合作、閱讀表現、光學閱讀輔具、低視力學生、Collaboration、reading performance、optical reading devices、students with low vision |
刊名 | 特殊教育與復健學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系 |
期數 | 200912 (21期) |
DOI | 10.3966/156335862009120021003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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