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Use of Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Variant Decoction for the Treatment of Chronic Eczema: A Case Report
作者 廖婉婷
中文摘要 慢性濕疹為常見反覆纏綿之臨床症狀,此個案對外用類固醇軟膏與口服消風散中藥療效不顯著,經中醫辯證論治診斷為氣虛血弱、脾腎陽虛,改以人參養榮湯補養氣血加溫補腎陽之劑獲得良好療效。
英文摘要 Chronic Eczema is often a long-term problem. The patient described in this study was refractory to topical steroids and Xiao Feng San. She was diagnosed with“dual vacuity of qi and blood” and “spleen-kidney yang vacuity” according to the TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) theory of syndrome differentiation. Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Decoction plus herbs for warming and supplementing the kidney yang led to better results.
起訖頁 103-106
關鍵詞 人參養榮湯濕疹浸淫瘡旋耳瘡
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
期數 201512 (14:3-4期)
DOI 10.3966/156104972015121403004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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