篇名 | 建構雲端互動式健康管理平台其照護服務模式之初探 |
並列篇名 | A Pilot Study on Constructing A Cloud Health Management Platform to Develop A Home Telehealth System |
作者 | 胡怡芬、林聖凱、林培剛、董龍生、陳怡、林為森 |
中文摘要 | 目的:銀髮族健康管理需求與日遽增,健康照護產業朝遠距醫療服務發展,台灣政府積極推動養生照護產業創新服務政策,鼓勵企業和醫療機構參與照顧服務。 方法:建構雲端互動式健康管理平台(e-VIP健康生活會員),追蹤免費使用系統6個月以上個案,資料收集從2013年1-12月共收案310位。研究工具採半結構式問卷有三大面向十項指標,從技術面-系統品質;人性面-隱私風險、功能風險、體制信任、醫病信任;服務管理面-服務品質、成本效益、滿意程度、健康影響、使用意向等。探討民眾使用遠距照護其滿意程度及未來建立商業化營運體系參考。 研究結果:民眾對醫病信任滿意度最高(平均3.93),隱私風險滿意度最低(平均2.65)。未來使用意向-民眾使用意願高(74.8%)但付費意願低(27.4%),96.1%可接受費用一年500-1000元,59.4%民眾對於遠距健康照護費用納入健保有較高的期待。 結論:遠距照護能提供個人化、在地化、便捷的健康服務,「費用」仍是台灣目前推展遠距健康照護最大的困難。 |
英文摘要 | Background: A personalized telemedical care platform (e-VIP) was developed and offered for free use at a regional teaching hospital in Southern Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to explore the satisfaction with,and establishment of, the business model for telemedical care. Methods: The 310 volunteers were recruited from Jan-Dec 2013. Data from a semi-structured questionnaire including system quality, privacy policy, functional risk, systemic trust, mutual trust, service quality,cost-effective, satisfaction, health influence and apply intention were collected and analyzed. Results: Mutual trust (mean=3.93) had the highest satisfaction score, and privacy policy (mean=2.65) had the lowest. 74.8% of subjects had a high willingness to use the system and 27.4% had a willingness to pay for it. In regard to the charge, 96.1% of subjects could accept 16-32 USD (500-1,000 TWD) for e-VIP services. In addition, 59.4% of subjects believed the Taiwan Generation NHI would pay for it. Conclusion: People had a high willingness to use e-VIP services, but it was difficult to reduce the price. |
起訖頁 | 055-062 |
關鍵詞 | 健康管理、遠距居家健康照護、互動式遠距居家照護 |
刊名 | 秀傳醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 秀傳紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201412 (13:3-4期) |
DOI | 10.3966/156104972014121303001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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