篇名 | 以神經電生理取向探討身體活動在ADHD兒童症狀與認知功能效益:文獻回顧與展望 |
並列篇名 | Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity on Children with ADHD from a Neuroelectric Approach: A Literature Review and Future Prospects |
作者 | 洪巧菱、蔡侑蓉、黃崇儒、洪聰敏 |
中文摘要 | 許多研究證實運動或身體活動對身體、認知與情緒有好處,近期研究更發現身體活動對兒童或老年人之認知表現,特別是與執行功能有關之認知面向,有正向之影響。注意力缺陷過動症(attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)是一種慢性及高盛行率的神經發展性疾病,其主要特徵是注意力不定、過動/衝動,行為抑制控制則為其核心缺陷。近年有越來越多的研究探討身體活動對ADHD兒童症狀與認知功能之效益,亦有研究開始採用認知神經科學取向探究此議題;有鑑於此,本回顧性文章之目的有三點:(一)以神經電生理(ERP)之視角回顧應用於ADHD抑制控制面向上之研究;(二)回顧身體活動在橫斷式比較、急性運動及長時間運動介入等研究設計對ADHD兒童症狀與認知功能效益之研究,並討論此效益可能之生理機轉;(三)為未來研究提供展望與方向,特別是建議以更嚴謹的實驗設計探討不同運動處方參數、更廣泛的認知功能面向,以及干擾變項之控制,並結合認知電生理儀器為其下的機制提供神經生理上的資訊。 |
英文摘要 | Considerable research has indicated that exercise is beneficial to physical, cognitive, and emotional health. Recent studies further suggest that physical activity has positive effects on cognitive performance, those related to executive function in particular, in children and elderly population. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, high prevalence neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder that manifests in childhood. The main characteristics of ADHD are inattention and hyperactivity/impulsiveness, with behavioral inhibition considered a core deficit of this disease. A growing body of research has focused on the effects of physical activity on the symptoms and cognitive function of children with ADHD. Moreover, some studies have begun to adopt a neuroscience approach to address this issue. The purposes of this review paper are: First, to review papers that use neuroelectric measurement such as event-related potentials (ERP) for children with ADHD on inhibition control; Second, to review papers that examined the effects of physical activity on symptoms and cognitive function in children with ADHD using cross-sectional studies, acute exercise interventions, and long-term exercise interventions. Additionally, the potential underlying neural mechanisms of the positive effects of physical exercise will be discussed. Third, prospects and recommendations for future research will be provided. Specifically, this paper posits that more rigid research designs are needed to examine issues related to the parameters of exercise prescriptions, broader aspects of cognitive function, and control of confounding variables. Lastly, a combination of behavioral and neuroelectric measurements for understanding underlying neural mechanisms is recommended. |
起訖頁 | 039-094 |
關鍵詞 | 抑制控制、執行功能、事件關聯電位、認知神經科學、cognitive neuroscience、executive function、event-related potentials、inhibitory control |
刊名 | 應用心理研究 |
出版單位 | 臺灣應用心理學會 |
期數 | 201606 (64期) |
DOI | 10.3966/156092512016060064003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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