篇名 | 加護病房護理人員被剝奪的悲傷經驗探究 |
並列篇名 | The Experiences of Disenfranchised Grief in Intensive Care Nurses |
作者 | 顏素卿、李玉嬋 |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討加護病房護理人員面對病患死亡被剝奪悲傷的經驗。研究方法採用現象學取向質性研究法,立意取樣六位加護病房護理人員,接受半結構式個別深度訪談,以Colaizzi(1978)方法進行資料分析,整理出五個與加護病房護理人員被剝奪悲傷有關的經驗主題:「護理角色框限了悲傷表達方式」、「加護病房工作特性無暇悲傷」、「悲傷隨經驗質變」、「悲傷的因應與適應」、以及「病患死亡所帶來的生命蛻變與成長」;同時本研究也呈現護理人員面對病患死亡的困境與成長,期望藉由本研究,醫療體系能更理解護理人員的處境,提供適時的支持與協助;也期盼護理人員能多多關注自己的感受,學習自我照顧,在「專業角色」與「個人需求」間找到平衡點。最後本研究提出反思與建議,以供實務工作與後續相關研究參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of disenfranchised grief in intensive-care-unit (ICU) nurses. The study was conducted using qualitative methods, namely, semi-structured, in-depth interviews with six ICU nurses. Data analysis was conducted using Colaizzis (1978) seven-step approach of phenomenological inquiry. Five themes related to the experiences of disenfranchised grief emerged, including: 1) professional norms of nursing; 2) challenges of the ICU work environment; 3) changes in grief reactions over time; 4) coping methods and mechanisms toward grief and mourning; and 5) personal growth and life learning. Results consistently demonstrated the difficulties and eventual growth of the nurse when faced with the deaths of patients. Results also suggest that successful coping involves adequate balance between professional work and personal fulfillment, between roles/demands and personal needs/recovery. Based on these findings, suggestions are provided for how to deal with individual disenfranchised grief as an institution. |
起訖頁 | 059-112 |
關鍵詞 | 加護病房、護理人員、被剝奪的悲傷、現象學研究法 |
刊名 | 應用心理研究 |
出版單位 | 臺灣應用心理學會 |
期數 | 201506 (62期) |
DOI | 10.3966/156092512015060062003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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