篇名 | 二次喪失手足者悲傷反應對手足關係影響之研究 |
並列篇名 | Surviving Siblings’ Grief Reactions of Two-Times Losses and Their Impacts on Sibling Relationships: A Case Study |
作者 | 吳佩玲、李玉嬋 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以同一家庭中經歷兩位手足因疾病與自殺死亡的兩位倖存手足為研究對象,探討二次喪失手足者之悲傷反應對手足關係之影響。本研究基於詮釋現象學精神呈現訪談主題與意義,採取質性研究之深度訪談,以半結構式的訪談大綱進行訪談。根據文本資料詮釋三個主題:(1)以「離-有形的離開,留下無形的衝擊」,詮釋死亡經驗前後手足間的互動關係內涵;(2)以「悲-百感交集,觸景又傷情」詮釋在手足關係的親近與衝突中,疾病死亡與自殺死亡形成喪失手足的不同悲傷反應;(3)以「愛-手足關係在愛與承擔中變化」詮釋二次悲傷經驗對個人和手足關係的意義。研究結果從發展週期、不同死亡經驗、手足關係內涵及兩次喪失手足事件瞭解悲傷經驗對手足關係的影響性。並根據研究結果提供助人工作者及未來研究提出具體建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore the grief reactions of two surviving siblings’ after two sibling deaths and their impacts on their sibling relationships. The subjects were two surviving siblings in the same family who had lost two siblings to illness or suicide. A semistructured interview was conducted and analyzed and the results are described in three parts, which include: 1) “Deprivation—visible parting leaves behind an invisible impact.” This section details the interactions between the siblings around the time when the sibling deaths occur. 2) “Grief—the heart is in mourning; visiting the scene is a repeated strike.” This section discusses how death caused by illness or suicide affects the grief reactions amongst the surviving siblings who can be either in a close-knit relationship or in a rift. 3) “Love—the sibling relationship ebbs and flow with love or weight of burden.” This section discusses how the surviving individual and the relationship with his/her surviving sibling are influenced by the death. |
起訖頁 | 005-058 |
關鍵詞 | 手足關係、喪失手足者、悲傷反應 |
刊名 | 應用心理研究 |
出版單位 | 臺灣應用心理學會 |
期數 | 201506 (62期) |
DOI | 10.3966/156092512015060062002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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