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以Kahn 工作敬業的多層次模型預測反生產力工作行為:金融資訊科技公司的實證證據
A multilevel model of Kahn's job engagement in predicting counterproductive work behaviors: Evidence from financial information technology firms
作者 Stanley Y. B. HuangYu-Ming Fei Tang
中文摘要 本研究提出轉換型領導(TFL),組織支持(OS),組織為基礎的自尊(OSE)和工作敬業(JE)的多層次模型,以預測反生產力的工作行為(CWB)。本研究使用大中華地區160個金融資訊科技產業的不同研發(R&D)工作團體內之901名員工的10個月縱向資料進行分析(時間1至時間3)。調查結果發現個人層級和工作單位層級的TLF,OS和OSE良好預測員工的JE,而個人層級和工作單位層級的JE則良好預測員工的CWB。本研究提出了JE的理論模型,但是其它變數可能對JE也很重要。這些研究發現指出管理人員不僅必須激勵員工將全部精力投入到工作中(例如JE),而且還必須找到減輕CWB的方法。該研究借鑒了Kahn(1990)的敬業理論來解釋TFL,OS和OSE如何影響JE,從而有助於緩解CWB。
英文摘要 This research proposes a multilevel model of transformational leadership (TFL), organizational support (OS), organization-based Self-esteem (OSE), and job engagement (JE) to predict counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). This study tests the proposed model using longitudinal data with 901 employees from 160 different research and development (R&D) workgroups in the financial information technology industry of Greater China at multiple points (Time 1 to Time 3) spanning 10 months. The findings reveal that the individual-level and work-unit-level TLF, OS, and OSE strongly predicts employees’ JE, and that individual-level and work-unit-level JE strongly predicts employees’ CWBs. The present study proposes a model of JE, but other variables might also be important to JE. These findings suggest that managers not only must inspire and enable employees to apply their full energy to their work (e.g., JE), but must also find ways to alleviate CWBs. The study draws upon Kahn’s (1990) engagement theory to explain how TFL, OS, and OSE influence JE, which in turn helps alleviate CWBs.
起訖頁 41-72
關鍵詞 Organizational supportcounterproductive work behaviorsjob engagementorganization-based self-esteemtransformational leadership
刊名 陽明交大管理學報
出版單位 陽明交通大學管理學院(原:交通大學管理學院)
期數 202012 (40:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102873102020124002002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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