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Investigation on psychological capital, work values, and career choice intention
作者 陳金足陳春富
中文摘要 心理資本是由多種因素構成的綜合體,個體在特定情境下,面對任務、績效與成功的一種正向態度,並強調個體的優勢以及心理能力,其特性是可測量、可開展與有效管理,並可有效提升工作表現。近年來臺灣地區的大學校院相繼設立商業設計相關科系,吸引有興趣的學生就讀,而現今任何產業也幾乎都需要設計來增加產品或服務的附加價值,因此商業設計相關科系愈來愈熱門,而學生在修習實習課程期間,與商業設計領域的產業實務接觸後,是否對自己的未來職場的就業領域有所考量是值得研究的議題。本研究以問卷調查法收集資料,對臺灣地區就讀商業設計相關科系的大學生,且已完成校外實習者發出300份問卷,有效問卷共254份,利用結構方程模式分析資料結果顯示:心理資本對工作價值觀有顯著正向影響。心理資本對職業選擇意向具有顯著正向影響。工作價值觀對職業選擇意向具有顯著正向影響。故本研究所建構的研究模式,可解釋及預測商業設計領域的學生在心理資本、工作價值觀與職業選擇意向的影響效果,並適時將研究結果提供給高等教育所屬之商業設計相關的科系參考,以期透過職涯規劃與輔導的措施,增強學生瞭解未來職場的挑戰性,進而提升學生在職業選擇與發展方面的競爭力。
英文摘要 Psychological capital is a complex that constituted by multiple factors.It is a positive attitude the individual develops when facing task, achievement,and uccess under some certain circumstances. They also stress that the feature of an individual’s strength and psychological competence is that it is easureable, developable, effectively-managed, and able to improve workingperformance efficaciously. As nearly all industries rely on design to enhance the value-added of their products or services, commercial design departments in universities have gained greater popularity. Students’ decision concerning their future career is an issue worth further research, especially after they gain practical experience in the field of commercial design during an internship. This study thus conducts a questionnaire survey for data collection by distributing 300 questionnaires to university students who are majoring in commercial design in Taiwan and who have finished an off-campus internship, retrieving a total of 254 valid copies. After analyzing the data using structural equation modeling (SEM), the results show that psychological capital has a significantly positive effect on career values and career choice intention, while work values have significantly positive effects on career choice intention. These findings serve as references for the commercial design-related departments in higher education institutions. Moreover, career planning and guidance measures can help enhance students’understanding of future career challenges, thereby improving their competitiveness in career choice and development.
起訖頁 99-134
關鍵詞 商業設計心理資本工作價值觀職業選擇意向Commercial designpsychological capitalwork valuescareer choice intention
刊名 陽明交大管理學報
出版單位 陽明交通大學管理學院(原:交通大學管理學院)
期數 201806 (38:1期)
DOI 10.3966/102873102018063801004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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