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Nursing Experience of a Pregnant Woman with Lower Extremity Fracture
作者 王紫藺黃美園王玉真
中文摘要 本文為描述一位妊娠第二期婦女下肢骨折,入院開刀與用藥引發焦慮感的護理經驗,照護期間自2012年11月27日至12月7日。以羅氏適應模式為架構,藉由觀察、會談及身體評估收集資料,確立「急性疼痛」、「身體活動功能障礙」與「焦慮」之護理問題。照護措施包含詳細說明其使用藥物的作用、副作用與安全性,並衛教抬高患肢、聆聽喜愛的音樂、學習放鬆技巧、腹式呼吸與冥想等方式,有效緩解急性疼痛與焦慮。同時,協助個案執行復健運動以增強肌力與關節活動度,用以恢復身體原有的活動功能。期望此護理經驗能提供未來照護類似個案之參考。
英文摘要 This article described the nursing experience of a pregnant woman with lower extremity fracture and anxiety caused by inpatient surgery and drugs use in the second-trimester of pregnancy. The nursing period was from November 27 to December 7, 2012. The Roys adaptation model was applied to collect data through observations, interviews, and physical examinations. The nursing problems were identified as follows: acute pain, impaired physical mobility, and anxiety. The nursing interventions included a detailed explanation of drug effects, side effects and safety, educating this patient to elevate the fracture extremity, to listen to favorite music, learn relaxation techniques, abdominal breathing, and meditation. The intervention effectively improved acute pain and anxiety. Additionally, we helped this patient to perform rehabilitation exercise to enhance muscle strength and range of motion, so that she could recover her physical mobility. This nursing experience provides information for nurses when caring pregnant women with the similar situations.
起訖頁 358-369
關鍵詞 妊娠婦女下肢骨折孕期用藥焦慮 pregnant womenlower extremity fracturedrugs in pregnancyanxiety
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201509 (26:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012015092603011  複製DOI  DOI申請

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