篇名 | 照護一位妊娠高血壓合併孕期心理壓力高的安胎孕婦 |
並列篇名 | Caring for Tocolysis Pregnant Woman with Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Plus High Antenatal Stress |
作者 | 李佩蓉、孫良雯、陳金彌 |
中文摘要 | 本文照護一位血壓偏高且持續宮縮之妊娠高血壓的孕婦,並運用輔助療法與鼓勵個案表達感受等方式,協助減輕孕期心理壓力高的護理經驗。於民國101年11月28日至101年12月6日護理期間,運用羅氏適應模式及「Perceived Stress Scale」壓力量表評估妊娠高血壓的孕婦之健康問題,發現有壓力負荷過重、潛在危險性損傷、舒適障礙三個護理問題,與個案一起選擇合適的輔助療法如肌肉放鬆訓練、引導冥想、搭配鋼琴旋律的音樂治療及觀賞DVD休閒娛樂等措施,且運用心情札記與丈夫分享懷孕的過程,進而成功降低孕期壓力;因個案罹患妊娠高血壓,故密切監測血壓及子宮收縮情形,確保胎兒健康,預防子癇前症或子癇症等合併症發生,並說明藥物副作用及臥床休息的目的,界定可活動範圍,改善住院不舒適情形,最後順利出院。因返家後持續評估其壓力、血壓及宮縮情形甚為重要,建議未來可設立專線電話或利用網際網路資源隨時追蹤居家情況,提供孕婦諮詢及經驗交流,協助孕婦安全渡過妊娠週期。 |
英文摘要 | This paper reports the nursing experience of the pregnant women, diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension and antenatal stress. The nursing period was from November 28, 2012 to December 6, 2012. The authors used Roys adaptation model and「Perceived Stress Scale」to assess the patients problems. The identified problem included stress overload, risk for injury, and comfort impaired. The antenatal stress of the patient was reduced successfully by applying appropriate complementary therapies, such as muscle relaxation training, meditation, piano melody music therapy, and recreation therapy. In order to ensure the health of the fetus and prevent pre-eclampsia or eclampsia, the authors closely monitor the blood pressure and uterine contractions, provided the anti- hypertension drug and bed rest as well as explained the purpose of these. The scope of activities was discussed with the patient. Finally the patient went home. In order to further evaluate the patient’s antenatal stress, blood pressure, and uterine contractions, we suggested that nurses established hotline or the use of internet resources to keep track of the patient’s situation at home to ensure safe pregnancy. |
起訖頁 | 223-231 |
關鍵詞 | 妊娠高血壓、孕期心理壓力、安胎、pregnancy-induced hypertension、antenatal stress、tocolysis |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201506 (26:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012015062602010 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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