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A Nursing Experience of TCM Combining with Western Medicine to Care a Dysmenorrhea Patient in Outpatient Service
作者 陳彥伶洪春金
中文摘要 「痛經」是許多女性的夢靨,疼痛發作時,往往因為無法專心工作、正常執行日常活動,嚴重影響其社交及職業狀況。本文主旨在於分享一位肝腎陰虛合併氣滯血瘀型痛經個案之門診護理經驗,照護期間自2011年5月3日至8月22日。運用中醫望、聞、問、切四診給予整體性評估,確立個案有焦慮致失眠、疼痛(痛經與頭痛)、便秘等三項護理問題。護理過程中,結合中西醫概念,針對個案之個別性,給予膳食、生活起居、穴位按壓及情志等方向之護理指導,改善個案的飲食及生活習慣;配合回覆示教,教導穴位按壓;增加個案之自我照顧能力及對於疼痛不適之因應技巧,協助處理痛經且一併改善失眠、頭痛、便秘等問題。提出此痛經個案之護理經驗,期能於中醫門診之專業領域中做分享。
英文摘要 Dysmenorrhea was the nightmare of many women for it affected the work and daily living. This report described a nursing experience of combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicine to care a dysmenorrhea patient in outpatient service. During the period of May 3, 2011 to August 22, 2011. The nurse applied TCM diagnostic methods for holistic assessment and identified three nursing problems: sleep disturbance, pain (dysmenorrhea, headache), and change the pattern of defecation. The nurse combined TCM and western medicine to provide individualized care, including instruction about healthy diet, daily activity, and demonstration the acupressure technique. After four months, patient’s ability of self care and pain management increased. Moreover, the problems of insomnia, dysmenorrhea, headache, and constipation were also resolved. This nursing care experience demonstrated the integration of TCM and western medicine may effectively resolve patient’s dysmenorrhea problem.
起訖頁 314-325
關鍵詞 中西醫痛經門診護理traditional chinese with western medicinedysmenorrheaout-patient nursing service
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201409 (25:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012014092503007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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