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Enhance the accuracy of transfer process from emergency to inpatient
作者 李筱薇鄭麗華黃筱珮林美惠
中文摘要 專案目的在提升急診住院病人轉送交接正確性,小組自2011年5月7日至21日,經實地查檢發現急診住院病人轉送交接正確率僅87.0%,不正確原因:醫護人員對轉送等級評估不瞭解、過去未接受轉送安全相關在職教育、現有制度對於轉送交接標準不完整等。因急診病人特性具緊急且易變化,較其他部門轉送具較高風險,任一疏忽將造成病人傷害或死亡,引發改善動機。於2011年6月20日至11月21日期間,經急診部醫療團隊、醫品師及資管部門共同擬定對策,透過增修轉送交接作業標準、舉辦人員教育訓練及持續監控稽核等措施,使急診住院病人轉送交接正確率提升至98.4%,藉專案推動達到提升轉送交接正確性,確保急診住院病人轉送安全,進而提升照護品質。
英文摘要 The purpose of project was to increase accuracy of transfer process while moving patients from emergency room to ordinary wards or intensive care units. The accurate rate of transfer process is estimated about 87.0% after survey by project team from May 7 to 21, 2011.The causes leading to inaccuracy include poor understanding of evaluating transfer grade, not receiving on-the-job training of safe transfer, and incomplete transfer criteria and procedures. Because patients in emergency room often present with complex conditions and are riskier in transfer process than patients from other divisions, our team made the strategy to increase accuracy of transfer process via transfer criteria revision, educational training, and continuous monitoring during June 20 to November 21, 2011. The accurate rate of transfer process increased to 98.6% after project implementation. Our project can increase accuracy of transfer process, ensure patient safety, and improve quality of care.
起訖頁 301-313
關鍵詞 急診住院病人轉送交接正確性照護品質emergency patientsafety when transferringcorrectness of transfer
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201409 (25:3期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012014092503006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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