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Introducing and Comparing the Basic Concepts for Screening and Assessment
作者 曾麗琦謝亞倫林碧莉吳瓊滿
中文摘要 在講求有效率的照護過程與品質中,護理人員不僅要快速有效的指出需要優先服務的對象,更須具備規劃完整的照護服務內容的能力。透過篩檢與評估所擬定的完整計畫可以協助護理人員達到上述這些目的。篩檢是以找出具有特定健康問題的可能對象作為優先處理者。評估則對經篩檢發現的懷疑對象進行健康問題的確立或診斷、並提供後續處置的依據。因此篩檢與評估是一個整體計畫而非只是一個測驗。本文著重在介紹篩檢與評估的定義與基本概念,並比較兩者在使用對象、目的、頻率、執行時間、執行人員與訓練及費用上的差異。篩檢與評估在健康問題預防與提供有效照護計畫上扮演重要角色,身為第一線護理人員極需具備此兩者基本觀念與技巧。
英文摘要 identify those who need a priority in care, but they are also able to design a comprehensive care services. Both comprehensive screening and assessment programs can facilitate nurses accomplish those purposes. Screening is used to identify high suspected persons with a certain health problem or disease as the priority in services. Assessment is used to confirm or diagnose those suspected person’s health problems or diseases, and provide sufficient information for further treatment or management. Therefore screening and assessment is a comprehensive care program, not only just a test. This paper focuses on introducing the definitions and basic concepts of screening and assessment, and comparing both differences on target persons, purposes, the frequencies and proper time for performance, the requirement of performing staff, training, and cost. Screening and assessment play an important role on preventing various health problems and providing effectively care programs. As the first line service providers, nurses are highly in need of proper concepts and skills on systematic screening and assessment.
起訖頁 379-388
關鍵詞 篩檢評估概念screeningassessmentconcepts
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201312 (24:4期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012013122404003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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