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The Experience of Caring an Unmarried Pregnant Adolescent from a Single Parent Family Receiving Pregnancy Termination
作者 劉嫈茹黃素蜜
中文摘要 本文描述一位單親青少女未婚懷孕接受終止妊娠的照護經驗。筆者於2009年2月15日至2月17日運用Neuman的壓力評估模式,藉由身體評估、會談及觀察技巧,歸納出個案有接受藥物終止妊娠所造成的急性疼痛、得知懷孕後與母親互動不良導致的情境性低自尊,面對終止妊娠而導致胎兒死亡的心靈困擾等護理問題。以接納不批判的態度持續關懷個案,並應用傾聽、溝通技巧,落實以家庭為中心的照護,協助個案及家屬面對從懷孕到終止妊娠過程心理上的適應,經有效溝通,改善親子互動;並於引產過程中採取各種減輕疼痛措施,改善生理不適;及在胎兒娩出後,引導個案釋放胎兒死亡造成的心靈困擾,重新審視自己的價值觀,使個案找到新的生活,希藉此次照護經驗與同仁分享,做為提升護理品質的參考。
英文摘要 This article described the nursing experience of caring an unmarried pregnant adolescent from a single parent family receiving pregnancy termination .The author cared the patient from 2009 February 15 to February 17. Using Neuman掇 evaluation model, through physical assessment, interview, and observation techniques, the author confirmed the diagnosis and found that the patient had problems such as acute pain caused by abortion medication, situational low self-esteem related to problematic relationship with mother due to the pregnant issue, and spiritual distress resulting from fetal death. The authors remained acceptable attitude without criticism and provided persistent care for the patient. We applied listening and communicating skills with family-centered approach. We assisted the patient and the family in adapting the spiritual change since pregnancy till termination and helped the patient communicate effectively and improve interaction with family. We applied various methods to relieve the pain due to termination and let physical uncomfortable feeling subside. We also helped the patient relieve her spiritual distress related to fetal death and boosted her self-esteem to face her future life.
起訖頁 208-218
關鍵詞 單親未婚青少女懷孕終止妊娠心靈困擾a single parent familyunmarried adolescentpregnancytermination of pregnancyspiritual distress
刊名 長庚護理
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
期數 201206 (23:2期)
DOI 10.3966/102673012012062302008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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