篇名 | 提昇急診護理人員口服給藥作業正確性 |
並列篇名 | Improvement on the Correctness of Oral Medication Dispending Process by Staff Nurses in the Emergency Department |
作者 | 林素真、謝慧澐、莊雅惠、陳麗貞 |
中文摘要 | 本專案目的在提升急診護理人員口服給藥作業正確性,以提升急診病人口服用藥之安全。由現況調查得知因急診病人就醫作業流程比照門診方式,口服用藥係交由病人自行服用,因此病人依醫囑正確服藥者僅達75.0%。經自擬之問卷及觀察表得知,護理人員執行口服給藥行為正確性平均為69.1%,提供病人用藥指導執行率76.0%,而病人對於口服給藥作業滿意度為77.8%。藉由制訂急診單一劑量給藥作業和標準流程、舉辦病人用藥安全在職教育課程、定期稽核護理人員口服給藥正確性,跨部門與急診醫學科、資管部、藥劑部溝通制定急診單一劑量給藥作業標準流程,並連結急診護理作業系統資訊功能等措施,改善後病人依醫囑口服給藥正確性由75.0%提升為100%,護理人員執行口服給藥行為正確性由69.1%提升為100%;病人對於護理人員執行口服給藥滿意度由77.8%提升至98.4%,明顯提升病人用藥安全,也提升了病人及家屬對於護理人員執行口服給藥之滿意度。 |
英文摘要 | This project aimed to facilitate emergency department (ED) patient safety through affirming correct oral medication dispensing by the staff nurses. ED patients used to self-medication the same as the outpatient setting. However, only 75% of cases took oral medications correctly as per instruction. Surveys indicated that staff nurses correctly dispensed oral medications in only 69.1% of the cases, and offered correct guidance on drug administration in only 76%. Only 77.8% of patients were satisfied with the oral medication dispensing process offered by the staff nurses. Several measures were undertaken to affirm correct dispensing of oral medications, including the establishment of a unit-dose drug distribution system and standard medication-dispensing protocol, new training programs for staff nurses, and the incorporation of information system for the monitoring of the process. Consequently, not only all (100%) patients were found to correctly take oral medication as per instruction, but also all (100%) staff nurses became able to dispense oral medications in a correct fashion. Patients’ satisfaction with the oral medication dispensing process offered by the staff nurses has risen to 98.4% and patient safety has thus been greatly improved. |
起訖頁 | 54-62 |
關鍵詞 | 口服給藥、自主服藥、單一劑量、oral medication、self-medication、unit dose (UD) |
刊名 | 長庚護理 |
出版單位 | 財團法人長庚紀念醫院 |
期數 | 201203 (23:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/102673012012032301006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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