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The Moderating Effect of Cross-cultural Adjustment on the Relationship Between Job Self-Efficacy and Job Involvement
作者 陳心懿王秀敏
中文摘要 本研究探討個體面臨不同文化情境時,本身所具備的工作自我效能對工作投入之影響,同時探討跨文化適應在工作自我效能對工作投入間關係的調節效果。本研究以從事非技術性層級工作之外籍勞工作為研究範圍,採問卷調查法,並且採「立意抽樣」及「便利抽樣」,共針對480名菲律賓籍勞工進行問卷調查,實際回收392份問卷,剔除無效問卷之後,得到有效問卷315份,有效問卷回收率為65.62%。研究結果顯示: (1)工作自我效能對工作投入具有顯著的正向影響;(2)跨文化適應對工作自我效能對工作投入具有顯著的正向調節效果。
英文摘要 This paper explores the relationship among job self-efficacy, job involvement, and cross-cultural adjustment. Specifically, we investigated the moderating effect of cross-cultural adjustment on the relationship between job self-efficacy and job involvement. The samples in this study consist of workers from Philippines. We distributed paper-based questionnaires through purposive and convenience sampling to 480 Philippine workers and 315 valid copies were returned (65.62% return rate). The major findings of this study were: (1) job self-efficacy had positive effect on job involvement, and (2) cross-cultural adjustment positively moderated the relationship between job self-efficacy and job involvement. In the end, discussion, limitations, suggestions to future study, and conclusions were made.
起訖頁 091-117
關鍵詞 工作自我效能工作投入跨文化適應Job self-efficacyJob involvementCross-cultural adjustment
刊名 企業管理學報
出版單位 國立臺北大學企業管理學系
期數 201706 (113期)
DOI 10.3966/102596272017060113004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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