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Analyzing the Status Quo and Legislation of Senior White-Collar Workers based on the Scope of Including “Highly-Paid White-Collar Managers” into the Exempt Employee System
作者 韓仕賢
中文摘要 我國勞動基準法於1996年修法擴大適用行業之範圍,同時增訂第84條之1(工作時間規制之除外適用,俗稱「責任制」),明定於一定要件下,工作性質特殊之工作者得排除工時等相關規制,由勞雇雙方另行約定工作時間、例假、休假、女性夜間工作,作為配套措施。勞動部2019年5月核定公告「事業單位僱用每月工資達新臺幣15萬元以上之監督管理人員」為「責任制」之工作者,本文探討此類「高薪白領主管」以「薪資條件」作為核定標準所衍生問題,以及如何使其符合「不損及勞工之健康及福祉」之要件。本文推估適用「責任制」之「高薪白領主管」人數,遠大於勞動部所估3.8萬人;而且核定公告過程粗糙,未來恐會因外界壓力再次下修,致使適用人數繼續擴增。建議勞動部及地方主管機關應正確宣導「責任制」之適用及加強勞檢,以落實「不損及勞工之健康及福祉」之要件,以免「一個核定,兩種解讀」的混亂狀態,而令勞基法相關工時基準規定形同虛設。長期來說,中央主管機關必須檢討目前指定之工作者是否有廢止適用之必要,實質降低此一對勞工確有不利影響之人數,以符勞基法之勞動保護意旨。
英文摘要 The Labor Standards Act expanded its application scope in 1996 and added the Article 84-1 (the exclusion of application of working hour rule, also known as the exempt employee system), stipulating that workers with unique nature of work may be excluded from applying the relevant rules of working hours under certain criteria and employers and workers may alternatively reach separate agreements on working hours, official holidays, leaves, and female worker’s night shift. In May 2019, the Ministry of Labor published a notice that “exempt employee system should be applicable if a business entity employs a supervisory manager with a monthly salary higher than NTD. 150,000”. This article will analyze the problems resulting from using “salary conditions” to define “senior white-collar managers” and the way to meet the criteria of “not detrimental to the laborer’s health and welfare”. This article estimated that the number of such “highly-paid white-collar managers” would be far higher than the Ministry’s predicted 38,000. Also, the publishing process was unstructured and might be adjusted in the future due to external pressure, causing the increase of such managers’ number. The author suggests that the Ministry and local authority shall correctly promote the application of “exempt employee system” and reinforce the labor standard inspection to implement the requirement of “not detrimental to the laborer’s health and welfare” and avoid the chaos of different interpretation. In the long term, the central authority should review whether the current designated workers shall be excluded from application, and thus decreasing the number of laborers that suffer from the negative impact to mee the Act’s legislative purpose.
起訖頁 57-76
關鍵詞 勞基法第84條之1責任制高薪白領主管Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards ActExempt Employee SystemSenior White-Collar Managers
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202001 (296期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312020010296004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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