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Commenting on the Japanese Senior White-Collar Laborers' Working Hour Regulation
作者 張義德
中文摘要 勞動部於2019年5月將月薪達新臺幣15萬元以上之監督管理人員也核定公告為得適用勞動基準法第84條之1之工作時間規定適用除外規範的對象,而使得高階白領勞工之工作時間問題再度受到了注目。相對於我國過於簡陋之規定,日本除了本來的工作時間規定適用除外規範與裁量勞動制之外,並於2018年6月通過了工作方式等改革關聯法案而新增了高度專業勞動制。雖對此制度學說有諸多的批判,但在導入之要件與程序上,仍得作為我國之借鏡而有一定之參考價值。
英文摘要 In May 2019, the Ministry of Labor published a notice that the Article of 84-1 (exclusion of application of working hour rule) of the Labor Standards Act will also apply to a supervisory manager with a monthly salary higher than NTD. 150,000”, triggering attention to the senior white-collar worker’s working hour issue. Comparing with our inadequate regulation, Japan has added the highly professional labor system in June 2018 via amendment in addition to its original system of flexible working hours and the exclusion of working hour rule’s application. Even though this system has faced much criticism from the academia, it could still serve as our helpful reference in terms of criteria and procedures.
起訖頁 34-56
關鍵詞 白領勞工勞動基準法第84條之1工作時間規定適用除外規範裁量勞動制高度專業勞動制White-Collar WorkerArticle 84-1 of the Labor Standards ActExclusion of Application of Working Hour RuleThe System of Flexible Working HoursThe Highly Professional Labor System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202001 (296期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312020010296003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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