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A Comparison and Review of the Exclusion of Working Hour Rule'S Application under the Laws of Taiwan and Japan
作者 侯岳宏
中文摘要 勞動部於2019年5月23日勞動條3字第1080130514號公告訂定「核定事業單位僱用每月工資達新臺幣十五萬元以上之監督管理人員符合勞動基準法施行細則第五十條之一第一款規定者為勞動基準法第八十四條之一之工作者」。此部分之發展,有哪些須注意事項,以及會產生哪些影響?有必要進一步檢討。日本近年來,對於高階白領在工作時間除外適用,也是討論重點。我國此次工資達15萬元以上監督管理人員納入責任制,有一部分也受到日本影響。本文,先整理臺灣勞動基準法上工作時間除外適用制度與相關問題,再就日本相關制度概要與發展進行說明,並進行比較與檢討,以提供參考。
英文摘要 In May 23rd 2019, the Ministry of Labor published a notice that “a supervisory manager employed by a business entity with a monthly salary higher than NTD. 150,000 that meets the requirements of the Subsection 1, Article 50-1 of the Enforcement Rules of the Labor Standards Act, would be deemed as the worker defined under the Article 84-1 of such Act”. It’s necessary to examine further on the noteworthy items and resulting impact regarding the development of this issue. How Japan excludes senior white-collar from the working hour rule in the recent years is also essential. The decision of including supervisory managers with a monthly salary higher than NTD.150,000 in the exempt employee system is also influenced by Japan. This article would start from analyzing the questions related to the exclusion of working hour rule’s application under the Labor Standards Act, and further explain the Japanese system and development with a comparison and review for reference.
起訖頁 19-33
關鍵詞 工作時間高階白領除外適用責任制Working HoursSenior White-CollarExclusionExempt Employee System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202001 (296期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312020010296002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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