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The Application of Senior White-Collar Worker Labor Laws in Germany: Focusing on the Exclusion of Work Hours
作者 郭玲惠
中文摘要 隨著勞動部核定,以薪資之高低作為判斷準勞基法第84條之1之監督管理人員,原本存有疑問之監督管理人員爭議,更形突顯。反觀德國立法例,並無統一之勞動法典或針對勞動條件統一之勞基法,乃針對各該單行法規所保護之對象及其適用範圍於各該法規中規定,而有關於白領高階勞工則是依其工作之特殊性或於企業中之特殊地位,承認其位於全體勞工與雇主間之特殊地位,給予不同之法規適用。本文除針對德國白領高階勞工之定義與其立法方式,提出說明,另並針對德國工時法排除白領高階勞工適用、工作時間制度與工時法彈性適用之規定,進一步研析。
英文摘要 The questionable issue of the supervisory management staff become more obvious after the Ministry of Labor uses the salary number to define such staff under the Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Act. On the other hand, there’s no unified labor law or a labor legislation that aims at unifying labor conditions in Germany. Alternatively, the protected subject and the application scope under each legislation are regulated therein. Different rules apply to senior white-collar workers due to their work’s uniqueness or the special status in the organization, admitting their special position between all laborers and the employer. This article will introduce the definition of senior white-collar works and legislative approach in Germany, and then further analyze the Hours of Work Act’s exclusion of the said worker, the work hours system, as well as the flexible application of the foregoing Act.
起訖頁 5-18
關鍵詞 德國工作時間法白領高階領導階層雇主職能企業組織法加班Hours of Work Act (ArbZG)Senior White-Collar WorkerManagement LevelEmployer'S FunctionCorporate Organization LawOvertime
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202001 (296期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312020010296001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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