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Comments on the Legitimate Expectation and the Principle of Non-Retroactivity of Laws Established in the Pension Reform-Related J.Y. Interpretation Pension Reform: Replacing “Termination Of Facts” with Macro Evaluation of the Development Stage of Facts of Life”
作者 林三欽
中文摘要 本文主要在於評析,年改釋憲案(特別是釋字第782號解釋)所據以進行違憲審查的標準為何?並鎖定最關鍵的「信賴保護原則」與「法律不溯及既往原則」。本文認為,大法官過度倚賴「真正、不真正溯及既往二分法」,糾結於「案例事實是否終結」的概念,而未能宏觀評價案例事實的發展階段。如此一來,便無法以合宜的標準,審慎的進行違憲審查。也因而未能引導立法者、執法者,在面臨法制變革時,對於發展已達相當程度的生活事實,給予適度的考量、保護。
英文摘要 This article aims to comment the review standards used in the constitutional interpretation case of pension reform (particularly the J.Y. Interpretation No.782), focusing on the most critical principles of “legitimate protection” and “non-retroactivity of laws”. The author opines that the Justices overly relied on the dichotomy of “authentic and inauthentic non-retroactivity of laws” and struggled with the concepts of “whether the facts of life have terminated”, failing to have the macro evaluation of the development stage of facts of life. Therefore, it was unable to conduct the constitutional review with ideal standards and guide the legislators and law executors to, when facing with legislative reform, give proper consideration and protection for facts of life that have developed to a certain level.
起訖頁 17-27
關鍵詞 信賴保護法律不溯及既往原則年金改革釋字第782號解釋生活事實發展階段宏觀評價Legitimate ExpectationPrinciple of Non-Retroactivity of LawsPension ReformJ.Y. Interpretation No. 782Macro Evaluation of the Development Stage of Facts of Life
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201912 (295期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019120295002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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