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Self-Defence, Proportionality and Special Sacrifice: A Comparative und Methodological Reflections of the Criminal Law and the Constitutional Law
作者 李建良
中文摘要 本文以Luís Greco教授所著Notwehr und Proportionalität一文為基礎,進行比較法暨方法論的對話。該文對正當防衛旨在維護法秩序的通說見解提出批判,但反對正當防衛應受比例性拘束的看法,主張以特別犧牲界定正當防衛權行使範圍。本文認為,維護法秩序之說確值商榷,比例性作為正當防衛之界限,論證上亦存疑義。然將特別犧牲理論置入刑法領域,卻有失準確,且未解決過當防衛判定難題。至於比例原則於刑法領域之運用,則不無跳脫狹隘思維、別開蹊徑之可能。文末指出,刑法與憲法規範立基有別,比較研究應注意及此。
英文摘要 This article draws upon Professor Luís Greco’s research “Notwehr undProportionalität” to initiate an academic conversation concerning comparative law andlegal methodology. Greco, on the one hand, dissents the mainstream of criminal legaltheory which sees self-defence as the mean to retain the legal order, while on the otherhand, criticizes the lesser-prevailing suggestion to apply proportionality as the boundary ofself-defence. Instead, Greco advocates that it is special sacrifice that should be thetheoretical foundation and criterion of self-defence. This article consents that it isunnecessary to frame self-defence for the purpose of maintaining the legal order. It alsoagrees there is discoursal difficulty to employ proportionality to restrict the application ofself-defence. However, this article holds that it will be challenging to determine if thereexists an excessive force in self-defence in accordance with the doctrine of specialsacrifice. Eventually, it argues that to draw on proportionality in the field of criminal lawindicates the possibility to open up a new approach for the comparative legal studiesbetween criminal and constitutional law. Since criminal law and constitutional law are allintent on restraining state power and protecting basic rights, the comparative studiesbetween them should proceed on this ground.
起訖頁 26-48
關鍵詞 正當防衛比例原則特別犧牲憲法釋義學刑法釋義學Self-DefenceProportionalitySpecial SacrificeLegal Dogmatics in Criminal Law and Constitutional Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201908 (291期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019080291002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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