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The Criminalization of Sexual Harassment Stalking
作者 張麗卿
中文摘要 本文討論性騷擾跟追的行為,與一般的跟追不同,也有別於一般的性騷擾。一般的跟追,可能是討債而跟追,可能是記者跑新聞的跟追,可能是仰慕藝人或其他公眾人物的跟追,對於被跟追者即使有生活上的不便,但並無精神上的畏懼,並無生活上的不安。「性騷擾跟追」則是持續糾纏的跟追,並帶有性的企圖。這不是男女情感上的試探,而是精神上的恐慌與畏怖。依照現行法律被跟追的人即使向警方求助,跟追者也只是先受到告誠,不聽告誠再受罰鍰的裁處,而且數額很低。這幾乎是不痛不癢的法律效果,難以嚇阻性騷擾跟追。本文認為,為了更周延維護「性的自主決定權」,讓人民免於性侵恐懼,應有必要思考性騷擾跟追的入罪化必要。且基於保護性騷擾被跟追者的各種安全,必須將這種危害與「身體接觸的性騷擾」等同看待,在性騷擾防治法設下刑罰的制裁規定。本文建議,在性騷擾防治法第25條增列第2項:「意圖性騷擾而持續跟追,經警察機關書面告誡後,仍持續跟追者,亦同。」主要是為了避免刑罰的過度前置化,在發動刑罰之前,必須先有警察機關的書面告誡,做成記錄,以示其嚴肅性。這種立法設計兼顧了「被害人保護」與「刑法的最後手段性」。
英文摘要 This article discusses the behavior of sexual harassment stalking, which is different from the general stalking and also apart from the general sexual harassment. General kind of stalking might be in order to demand repayment, to get news by a journalist, or to admire an artist or other public figures; those behaviors would cause no more than some discomfort to the life of the people who are stalked by, but no mental fear or anxiety in life. Apart from that, a sexual harassment stalking means a repeated entanglement with sexual intention by the stalker. This behavior is not an emotional trial between men and women, but causes the victims panic and fears mentally. According to the current law, even if the victim of stalking asks the police for help, the stalker will only be reprimanded firstly, or be punished by a very low amount of fine when the stalker doesn’t follow the reprimand. The punishment is almost insignificant and hard to deter the behavior of sexual harassment stalking. This article believes that in order to uphold the right to sexual autonomy more completely, and to let people free form fear of sexual offences as well, it is necessary to consider criminalizing the behavior of sexual harassment stalking. Besides, based on the protection of various safety for the victim of sexual harassment stalking, this kind of harm must be treated the same way as “sexual harassment with physical contact” and sanctioned in Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. This article suggests adding the 2nd section to article 25th in Sexual Harassment Prevention Act: “A person who for purpose of sexual harassment keeps repeatedly stalking after being reprimanded in written form by police authorities shall be subjected to the same punishment.” The main reason is to avoid pre-penalizing excessively, so that there should be a record of reprimanding in written form by police authorities in first to show the seriousness. This kind of legislation takes both “protection of victims” and “the ultima ratio of penalty” into account.
起訖頁 83-102
關鍵詞 性騷擾跟追性騷擾跟追入罪化Sexual HarassmentStalkingSexual Harassment StalkingCriminalization
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201907 (290期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019070290005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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