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Thoughts on the Interpretation of Article 190-1 under the Criminal Code
作者 李聖傑
中文摘要 刑法第190條之1修法後最核心的問題在於,當立法刑事政策以舊法時期實務對於該條適用之具體危險判斷採嚴格解釋,使得相關環境污染行為不易以刑罰制裁,而刪除「致生公共危險」的成罪要件,不再呈現其「具體危險犯」的犯罪性質時,在規範的釋義操作中,相關構成要件要素應該如何涵攝在具體案例的適用,才不會出現刑罰過度前置現象。本文認為刑法第190條之1有其特殊的修法背景與修法所要克服之實務適用困境,但為了避免刑罰過度前置的發動,必須在規範適用時以污染狀態強調為抽象危險犯的危險結果,並不需要拘泥在固有意義之實害結果的概念框架。
英文摘要 The core issue after the amendment of Article 190-1 under the Criminal Code is how to avoid the penalty prerequisite problem when applying rules in actual cases while the said offense is no longer a concrete offense as the “endangering public safety” element is deleted according to the legislative criminal policy, which states that judicial practice under the old laws took a strict interpretation approach that prevented the polluting behavior from criminal charges. This article opines that Article 190-1 has its own unique law-amending background and obstacles for judicial practice’s application, however, to avoid the penalty prerequisite problem, it’s necessary to emphasize the pollution status as the offender of abstract danger’s result of danger without being restricted by the conceptual framework of actual damages.
起訖頁 69-82
關鍵詞 刑法第190條之1環境刑法環境法益污染結果危險結果Article 190-1 of the Criminal CodeEnvironmental Criminal LawLegal Interest of the EnvironmentResult of PollutionResult of Danger
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201907 (290期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019070290004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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