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Problems on the Chapter 7 of the Tort Section of the Draft of the Civil Code of the PRC
作者 林瀟瀟
中文摘要 「中華人民共和國民法典各分編(草案)」日前公佈,其中「侵權編」第7章「生態環境損害責任」對現行「中華人民共和國侵權責任法」第8章「環境污染責任」進行了大規模修改,如草案中的規定最終施行,將對生態環境損害民事責任、生態環境損害賠償或治理制度產生深遠的影響。其中對責任結果要件、主體要件、原因行為要件、舉證責任及責任承擔方式的規定,需要從法典體系化要求和生態環境損害賠償或治理責任效果的角度進行慎重地考慮。
英文摘要 The Draft of the Civil Code of the PRC has been published recently. Compared to the Chapter 8 of the Tort Law of the PRC, the Chapter 7 of the Tort Section of the Draft, which is namely “responsibility for the eco-environmental damage”, has been “amended” dramatically. If the stipulation of the Draft comes into force, the regime of environmental civil liability, and the regime of the compensation or governance of the environmental damage in the PRC would be profoundly affected. The coordination of the Code as well as the effects of the regimes shall be taken into consideration when reviewing and finalizing the Draft. Relevant stipulations including the stipulations of the essence of consequence, the essence of subject, the burden of proof and the liabilities should be contemplated.
起訖頁 179-188
關鍵詞 民法典生態環境損害責任生態環境損害民事責任生態環境損害賠償制度生態環境損害治理制度Civil Code of PRCResponsibility for the Eco-environmental DamageCivil responsibility for the Eco-environmental DamageCompensation for the Eco-environmental DamageGovernance for the Eco-Environmental Damage
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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