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Reviewing, Deconstructing and Looking forward: Improvement of Multi-resolution Mechanism for Environmental Disputes
作者 孫佑海
中文摘要 中國大陸目前環境糾紛多發,而法院的審判任務過重,加之中國大陸歷史上有「和為貴」的理念沉澱和注重調解的傳統,因此,中國大陸建立環境糾紛多元解決機制具有必要性和可行性。當前環境糾紛的非訴解決方式存在若干問題,主要是環境糾紛調解等方式的權威性不高,對當事人的吸引力不足。而環境糾紛仲裁、磋商等方式,由於當事人不夠了解以及調解、仲裁機構經驗不足等原因,並沒有得到很大發展。為此,作者提出了如何健全環境糾紛調解、仲裁、磋商等多元機制的進路,並建議積極推進環境糾紛多元解決機制的立法進程。
英文摘要 Considering PRC is facing with many environmental disputes at the moment, and the people’s courts in PRC has been overloaded with heavy trial work, and taking the idea of “harmony is most precious” and tradition of emphasis on mediation into consideration, it is necessary and feasible to introduce a Multi-resolution Mechanism for Environmental Disputes in PRC. At present, there are some problems in the non-litigation settlement of environmental disputes, which are: the low authority of environmental dispute mediation make it is not attractive to the parties, while the arbitration and consultation for environmental disputes settlement have not been greatly developed due to the lack of understanding of the parties and the lack of experience in mediation and arbitration institutions. Therefore, this paper puts forward the pathway to improve the multiple mechanisms of environmental dispute mediation, arbitration and consultation, and recommends to actively promote the legislative process of multi-resolution mechanism for environmental disputes.
起訖頁 148-162
關鍵詞 環境糾紛訴訟方式非訴訟方式多元解決機制Environmental disputesLitigationNon-litigation and Multi-resolution Mechanism
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (環境法特刊期)
DOI 10.3966/10255931201906S01008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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